Any probs with scrambled eggs in the microwave?

I ate maybe 1/2 of a scrambled egg made in the microwave and thought I was going to die! I had one this AM made on stovetop and had no trouble. I think I now may have a peice caught somewhere in my pouch, the opening maybe? Any suggestions on getting it out?    — Kristi A. (posted on May 4, 2003)

May 4, 2003
I have not had my WLS yet, but I think this happened because the egg was too dry. When you microwave food, the food dries out and it gets stuck. I don't know if drinking water might help...I have not had the surgery yet so I do not know. I only know that microwaved foods do not go down so well until you are longer in your post-op stage. I attend WLS support group meetings and that said beware microwaved foods. Consult with your physician if you feel pain. Good luck and God Bless.
   — Shayla527

May 4, 2003
When you fix eggs in the microwave remember not to over cook. Take them out often and stir...this takes air out of them that the microwave not cook them fully done....bring them out when still a slight bit of jiucy on top (sorry I could not think of any other way to describe it)and cover with a towel and they will continue to cook. They are more tasty and easier to eat I think. See if this helps.
   — Oldsoul

May 4, 2003
If you continue to feel as if it's "stuck" down there, try taking some papaya enzyme (helps aid in digestion) OR at 1 tsp. Adolph's meat tenderizer to about a 1/2 cup of hot water and sip that down. Tastes lousy but helps tons to break up proteins that are stuck. It's very likely though that eating dry egg merely irritated your pouch and that can last a couple of days easy. I'd suggest eating very runny (full liquids) for a day or two to give your stomach a rest. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 4, 2003
It may not be the type of preparation. I see that you had your surgery very recently. My husband fixed me a scrambled egg when I was early post. I did fine. Then the next time, I was not able to handle it at all. Every bit of it came back up. I was soooo sick!! About a week later, I tried it again and had the same yucky result. I then declared that I was not able to handle eggs. I didn't try them again until I was about a year and a half out. Now, I do okay. I seem to handle egg beaters better than straight scrambled eggs. Now, they just give me a little tummy ache. I think you'll find that there are many many many people who are just not able to handle eggs post op. ( I also couldn't eat cottage cheese.) Good luck! Shelley
   — Shelley.

May 4, 2003
Eggs, no matter how they're cooked, usually make me feel as if I'm going to die. I had a successful attempt at a scrambled egg very early on but then I was never able to eat them again. Now just the smell of them turns my stomach.
   — susanje

May 4, 2003
I was never an egg fan but they are good protein. I found that I can not eat "real" eggs only the egg beater liquid kind. Also it cant be cooked in the micro. Not sure why. Like the other posters have said, if it makes you feel ill, wait a while before you try it again. you may be able to keep it down better in time. Good luck to you. Sidney Open RNY 10-23-02 down 90+
   — Siddy I.

May 5, 2003
I had the same problem! What happens when you microwave the egg, it makes it more rubbery even if you add water to the egg. I've found doing it on stove top, and beating 1/4c of eggbeaters with 2 tbsp water makes them light and fluffy. Funny... I never had problems with microwaved egg unil my bypass... Good luck!
   — mellyhudel

May 10, 2003
Yup, they explode! Seriously, why not just lightly scramble an egg in a bit of butter instead? Just use a good non-stick pan on medium eat and enjoy. Diane N
   — DianeN

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