If you had a tummy tuck please give your input

I am curious to know what size you were before your tummy tuck and after your tummy tuck, what procedure did you have and do you have pictures...I started at 280 high i am now about 141 fluctuating between a few pnds, i have been approved for abdominalplasty but no date is set yet. I am a size 8 pants and med shirts. I am curious to know where I will be after my tummy tuck, also the dr says he will remove about 7-10 pnds of skin. Please let me know ur story and also see your pictures thanx Deanna    — Deanna Wise (posted on May 12, 2003)

May 12, 2003
3 months ago today, I had a breast lift (with implants) and a tummy tuck. I was lucky, I didn't need the tummy tuck as much as some because I carried my weight differently ("apples" usually need the tucks, rather than "pears"). But, since I also had to have a hernia repaired, I decided to have the tuck. It not only got rid of the excessive skin, but also the stretch marks. My size didn't stomach just got tighter. I went from weighing 230lbs and a size 20+ to 120lbs, size 4! I do have loose skin on my legs which I MAY have corrected. I'm going to wait awhile to see if it tightens up to where I can wear shorts and not feel "ugly". What a journey...I'm thrilled!
   — Cindy T.

May 12, 2003
I wore size 4-6 in elastic waist only. I settled in 3-5, regular with zipper. I lost 15 more lbs between the day before & where I parked. But I was very thick in the middle, now am more normal. I can't wear the same clothes now as before, because I am more girl shaped now & less like a bowling ball with legs.
   — vitalady

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