Has anyone had a tummy tuck approved by Cigna HMO?

I am 15 months post op and want to have a abdominoplasty. My general employee handbook says it is covered only if medically necessary due to severe obesity. Cigna covered my gastric bypass. Just wondering if anyone has gone through this before.    — Tammy W. (posted on May 28, 2004)

May 28, 2004
I have heard that Cigna will cover, but you have really got to have alot of excess skin with soars and infection. Lot's of visits to the dr. for this. Some people will take photos and keep a diary of problems. I know of one person who took a hairbrush to her skin folds to make it look worse. It did and she also ended up very infected, she waited a little to long to go in for treatment and had a heck of a time clearing up the infection. Bottom line is Cigna will expect a lot of documentation of problems associated with excess skin issues. Go to Dr. often. Good luck!
   — bubbleboo K.

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