I was told i would only be able to eat about 4 ounces and I can eat much more.

I am really scared by the amount I am able to eat at seven weeks post op. Has this ever happened to anyone else. I can eat at least a cup.    — Sarah H. (posted on January 27, 2000)

January 27, 2000
I'm not a doctor, but I have had the RNY lap on 6/8/99 and here is what I understand. Your stomache holds about 4 oz. so at any one time, that's all it can hold. You can eat more--if you eat a little bit all day long. That's why my doctor tells me to only eat when I'm really hungry and NO snacking! It's true I eat much MUCH less than I did before--but if I keeping eating all day, I won't lose the weight. If you are really concerned-call your doctor! But remember: some days you will be hungrier than others. Are you eating healthy? Protien, Veggies/fruit, Carbs? Are you staying away from junk food? Are you drinking your water and taking the meds? I am at 7 mos post op and feel "snacky" a lot. My support group said it's the bad habits trying to sneak back into my life! :-) I'm not hungry, just snacky and that's what got me into trouble before! Now that I know better, I drink a cup of skim milk, or eat a piece of fruit with low fat peanut butter. Good luck!
   — Kelly M.

January 27, 2000
I'm not a doctor, but I have had the RNY lap on 6/8/99 and here is what I understand. Your stomache holds about 4 oz. so at any one time, that's all it can hold. You can eat more--if you eat a little bit all day long. That's why my doctor tells me to only eat when I'm really hungry and NO snacking! It's true I eat much MUCH less than I did before--but if I keeping eating all day, I won't lose the weight. If you are really concerned-call your doctor! But remember: some days you will be hungrier than others. Are you eating healthy? Protien, Veggies/fruit, Carbs? Are you staying away from junk food? Are you drinking your water and taking the meds? I am at 7 mos post op and feel "snacky" a lot. My support group said it's the bad habits trying to sneak back into my life! :-) I'm not hungry, just snacky and that's what got me into trouble before! Now that I know better, I drink a cup of skim milk, or eat a piece of fruit with low fat peanut butter. Good luck!
   — Kelly M.

January 27, 2000
Hi Sarah: I'm six months post-op tomorrow (Happy Anniversary to me!) and I've found that some days or some meals I can eat more than at other times, and sometimes less. I agree with the previous post that says that if you snack, if will effect your next meal. Also, WHAT you eat can have a bearing. So, I guess the answer to your question is that every one is different, and just remember to stop eating when you're full. Don't eat unless you're hungry. Drink that water! Good luck with your weight loss.
   — Jaye C.

January 28, 2000
Hey Sarah: I am now 4 months postop and my head has been spinning lately about this same question. I think it is good information about not snacking during the day and only eating meals--I just have not been able to stick with to it. Sometimes I am amazed at how much volume I can eat at one sitting. So far, I have not really measured my food but think I need to get a scale and start. I am still losing, so at least something is working. I intend to ask my surgeon again next week when I see him, but I know what his answer will be. NO SNACKING!! He believes strongly in three meals with water as snacks. I don't know if I'll ever be able to follow that exactly. What concerns me is that I feel like I am more obsessed with food now than before. I don't really think that is true because I don't eat sugar or high fat, but I do think about food a lot. I hope this will subside as the weight comes off and I feel great about my body. I have lost about 67 lbs. to date (4 months). Good luck to you. If you find any good answers, please let me know.
   — Dot W.

January 28, 2000
I was also told that I would only be able to eat about 4-5 oz of food but am able to eat 1 full cup at times. I often wondered if they did the right surgery,,,lol Since I seem to eat more than I think I should, I only eat 3 meals a days high in protein. I am 12 weeks post op and have lost 42 pounds. Hang in there,,,and the best of luck with your weight loss.
   — Kimberly R.

February 1, 2000
I was able to eat more than they said too. But I stop when I first feel full but I had my surgery Oct 26 and have now lost almost 50 pounds. Are you in a lot of pain when you eat? LOL Debbie
   — Debbie G.

February 1, 2000
I had an open RNY 22mo. ago.I have a 1cc micro pouch, and I can eat about 1 1/2 cups of food at a time. Like a bowl of Cheerios, a bowl of soup, a medium sized salad. Remember that you are also chewing foods up and they condense small depending on what it is you are eating. If you have liquids then you will be able to have more because they kind of go right thru you. What type of surgery did you have? Good Luck and God Bless!! Jan Terry
   — Jan T.

April 1, 2000
Hi, I had my surgery on 8-8-99, i also am concerned about the amount of food i can eat because i feel like its to much but you have to remember first that we are no longer eating like we use to and hopefully much better foods(no high sugar because of dumping and low fat.) the most inportant thing is to try and eat till we are full, not stuffed. also if you had by-pass surgery remember not all fat or nutrician is absorbed. Im down 125 pounds in under 8 months and I never thought i could do it. Dont forget too that our bodys hit a plateau. I went 6 weeks once with out losing anything but all of sudden it started again. Good luck!!
   — Sandy W.

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