I am also looking for people who eat spicy food?

I am Jamaican and My husband is African so I am use to eating spicy foods, I really don't know what to do because me and my husband is going to a family gathering at an African Resturant. I'm thinking of backing out because I am only use to certain African Dishes and they are spicy. Thank You    — [Anonymous] (posted on May 28, 2000)

May 28, 2000
I am 7 weeks post op and i eat alot of spicy foods. My hub is from Pakistan and all the food he eats is spicy foods...
   — DONNA M.

May 29, 2000
My husband is Mexican and most everything we eat has some form of chili in or on it. Like Barb, the only problem I have is when something is very hot what to do with the fire in my mouth. I usually take a small sip of water and swish it around and that does the trick. As far as my stomach goes....never had a problem with that one. I can tolerate anything so far except raw cabbage. (Probably shouldn't have had it anyway considering the protein was more important.)
   — S S.

May 29, 2000
I have a lot of African friends and I use to eat alot of the African foods. Since I had the surgery I haven't mainly because of the palm oil in the food makes me sick. The spice in the food doesn't bother me as much as the oil. I think you would do ok with the spice in the food. I would more concerned about the oil.
   — Sharon T.

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