When do you have your last meal for the day?

Old diets: Never eat after 6 p.m., remember? The other day, I had a 1/2 c. of homemade chili at 4:00 p.m., my second meal for the day. I drank water for the rest of the evening. At 11:00 p.m., I was suddenly overcome with hunger and had a 1/2 oz. of cheddar cheese and 1-1/2 oz. of Healthy Choice Roast Beef from the deli. I asked my nutritionist yesterday if I should have just skipped the snack and went to bed, or if I should eat when I was hungry (especially since I'm only doing about 1/2 of my protien these days), no matter what time it was. She really couldn't answer my question. Any thoughts?    — Allie B. (posted on September 8, 2000)

September 8, 2000
Our doctor wants us to eat 5 small meals per day. This works out to about every 3 hours. when I asked about evening eating he said, absolutely, to keep inuslin levels at a stable level. This makes sense to me and it hasn't slowed my weight loss. Surgery 6/20 and I've lost 55 lbs.
   — JLynn B.

September 8, 2000
Allie, I almost always give in. This is why: if I get full on a 150 calorie snack that's not going to make a dent. In the old days I would eat a midnight snack consisting of 2 pieces of pizza and a bowl of ice cream (about 1000 calories in 20 minutes). Now, a 1 oz. piece of colby satisfies my craving and that way I can finally get my mind off the food and on to life. So, my experience and advice are to eat a small snack at 11:00 pm and get yourself out of the psychological turmoil of cravings because they shouldn't rule you. If you're concerned about the 100 or 200 calories that are in the snack you didn't anticipate then skip those calories in the day so you can have them legally in the night. I think this is your solution, it works for me! Good luck.
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 8, 2000
Allie, I almost always eat something right before bed. Often it is one of those mini-yogurts, or even just a glass of skim milk or buttermilk. (Don't all of you gag at once: I like it!) It seems to help me sleep better to have a teensy something in my stomach. If I try and go to bed hungry I have trouble sleeping. I am at goal (actually, a little beyond) but I have done this all along and it didn't stop me from losing 128 pounds in the year since my RNY. Cheers! Ann
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 8, 2000
I eat late at night, because I work nights (7 pm - 3 am). I usually eat something when I get to work (or sometimes stop at Taco Bell for a Chicken Soft Taco on the way), and then something again around 9 pm. I also do my protein supplements and most of my vitamins at work as well. During the day, I find I really am not that hungry and will just have a bite or so of what I fix for my daughter to eat. I'm 4 1/2 months out, down 84 pounds.
   — Beth B.

September 8, 2000
The nutrition that I saw pre-op didn't believe in the "don't eat after X o'clock" theory. Although I don't snack late in the evening, I go to the gym after work and usually don't get home until 8. I have my protein shake first, then wait an hour before eating dinner. That puts me at 9 or 9:30. Because I eat dinner so late anyway, I usually don't feel hungry enough to snack before bed.
   — Maxine E.

September 11, 2000
I try not to let myself get ravenous because then I'll eat whatever I find, not necessarily what is best for me. I eat every 4 hours or so including a snack around 9:00 or 10:00 pm. That's usually the time I take my pm vitamins and I like a little something in my stomach when I take them. I've been doing this since I came home from the hospital (5 months postop and down 89 lbs).
   — Kellie L.

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