Web Site for Fashion Tips for Large Ladies

I found a neat place for fashion tips for us lovely large ladies. Sorry I can't create the link. Check it out:    — Allie B. (posted on September 27, 2000)

September 27, 2000
Good site for the most part. I like the fact that she talks about good self esteem regardless of what size one is. But I was very disappointed to read what she had to say about WLS. She lumped diet pills, plastic surgery, and WLS all into one bucket and called it "very dangerous". I sent her an e-mail trying to educate her. She apparently is also very involved in NAAFA, and I see another post about this organization. It's a shame. They are all missing the point. No one is saying we're ashamed of who or what we are. It's trying to live with ourselves and be healthy that's the kicker. Oh well,m some people just don't get it. The only thing we can do is to change our own little niche!
   — Paula G.

September 27, 2000
*BLUSH*...I didn't see anything on NAAFA or WLS...I was just checking out the tips...Oh well, I just won't buy the books:)
   — Allie B.

September 27, 2000
Hi, Yeah I have about the same feelings as Paula, but it did link me to some other nice clothing sites so thanks for the info. I have decided that some people are so afraid of change its gonna kill them. WLS scares the heck out of many people and they react to that by dissing it before they even know much about it...Shame is right...Trina
   — Courtrina Amur W.

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