Any suggestions on speeding up the loss?

I am about 3 1/2 months post op. I was doing pretty well with weight loss for the first 2 months, but things have gotten really really slow. For the last month and a half, I have been lucky if I loose 2 lbs a week. I know I should be happy about every little lb, and I really am, but I just wonder if anyone has any other suggestions for me, 8-9 lbs a month just seems awfully slow. I am eating aobut 1000-1200 calories per day, drinking about 55-65 oz a day, getting my protein. I work all day, so my hours available for exercise are limited, but I do park as far away as I can. I do 3 classes at the pool a week, plus a little additional swimming. I bowl 1 night a week (not sure if that counts as exercise, but I figure any movement is good.),and occassionally get in some additional walking.    — tlg6056 (posted on February 5, 2001)

February 5, 2001
Hi Tammy: I am 6 months post-op and 'only' down 75 lbs, with 52 to go. I'm not sure where you started, but it appears you may be one of the lower BMIs, and we lose weight slower! I think your eating program is pretty good, and when I lost 10 pounds in January, I was estatic! That means I'll be at my goal by June (if I can keep it up)! Sure, I'd like to have lost 100 lbs. by now, but then I look at the benefits: less sagging, less money spent buying new clothes constantly, no food deprivation since I don't get sick on anything. Besides, it's still winter and I'm still bundled up...I want to make my 'grand entrance' in shorts and tank tops this summer! Anyhow, I know how you feel, because I DID stress about my slow weight loss...but I had to make peace with it, because I still continue to lose weight and it ain't never coming back! Good luck to you!
   — Allie B.

February 5, 2001
You will probably hear this from many people, but here goes anyway. To speed up your loss, try increasing your protein, limiting your carbs and increasing your water! This is the best way I know of to speed things up. Actually, I think you're doing fine on your weightloss but I understand the anxiousness. Just try to remember, we didn't put the weight on overnight and it's not going to come off overnight either. You also might want to get some "reference jeans" and try them on once a week. Sometimes when the weight is coming off slower, we're losing inches like crazy. Good luck and I hope this helps!
   — Kellye C.

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