Did anyone find it easier to have an orgasm after surgery and losing the weight?

I understand it is a weird question but I figure if you have less fat in the way it should be easier to be stimulated. Is this the case,I have problems sometimes and wonder if the surgery will help. Thanks.    — Brandy P. (posted on May 12, 2001)

May 12, 2001
My sexual desires revved up after the weight starting coming off. Now if I can only find a man to share the good times with(hehehe). So the big O, I could not tell you about.
   — [Anonymous]

May 12, 2001
Ummm, let me think .... YES!
   — [Anonymous]

May 12, 2001
I never had trouble with it before surgery, but after surgery, I have more energy, so I have more orgasms per session than I used to! Chalk up another benefit to this surgery!!! Hee hee hee!
   — [Anonymous]

May 12, 2001
In a scene from a movie "Meg Ryan" was in, while in a restaurant, her words were I think..."Yes, Yessssssssssss Oh, Yessssssssss!!!!
   — Victoria B.

May 12, 2001
I'm glad someone asked this question(I didn't have the nerve). Things have changed drastically and for the best. I sometimes shock myself especially when it happens more than once in the same night!! I thought it was some weird side effect of the anistetic or something to do with the vitamins!
   — Rose A.

May 12, 2001
Actually I had trouble achieving orgasm AFTER surgery (bypass & panniculectomy). I had no trouble before-hand. I still feel the surgery messed w/some important nerves down there but no one can seem to verify this for me.
   — [Anonymous]

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