How fast does water go through your pouch?

I am 5 days post op and I am able to sip on a 8 oz cup of water over a 15 -30 min time period with out any problems. How fast does water pass through?? Am I stretching my pouch ?Food does sit heavy --2 oz at a time    — Bev L. (posted on November 25, 2001)

November 24, 2001
Relax, your normal. Water and other liquids pass real easily thru the pouch and stoma.
   — bob-haller

November 25, 2001
Water goes through in 10 minutes or less and should not stretch your pouch. Your 2 ounces is about right for where you are. If you want to read about some things I've found helped me in the first few postop weeks, foods to try, etc. you can access them from my webpage at and best of luck to you !!!
   — Lisa D.

November 25, 2001
Perfect. Not too fast, not too slow. I admire water drinkers, as that was a major hurdle for me. If your pouch was made new at 1 oz, then stick with one oz portions. It'll be more comfy and preserve that one oz pouch size even longer. We're on 6 one oz meals/day til goal, so it sounds very reasonable to me.
   — vitalady

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