What is ANYONE eating at 4 months out?

I am having hard time eating meats and getting in all of my fluids. It hurts a little aftr my first few bites then I'm ok most of the time. I CANNOT eat chicken breast. TOO DRY. Chicken wings are ok without the skin. I would appreciate any ideas for MEALS and not just pick me up foods. Trust me, I don't even care if I eat. I am never hungry, I just know that I NEED to eat to sustain my bodily functions and organs. HELP!    — Elizabeth P. (posted on October 13, 2002)

October 13, 2002
Believe it or not, for me the only meat I can stand is beef, but not hamburger. I chew the heck out of it, but otherwise it always sits pretty well. So I eat stew, chili, creamy soups. I will eat some noodles, but don't really care for them much. I eat a LOT of swiss cheese from the deli. I eat pretzels, crackers, watermelon, canteloupe, pretty much any kind of cooked vegetable. Also, I make sure to get one protein shake in a day. I'm also drinking a little milk and orange juice. Hope this helps. Good luck!
   — Christine L.

October 13, 2002
I am almost four months out. For breakfast I either have crackers with peanut butter or cheese, a cereal called go lean which has protein in it or I dont eat I just drink hot tea. At lunch it varies I sometimes eat 1/4 of a sandwich or I have leftover dinner or salad made with lettuce ham and cheese. For meats somedays are good and some are bad. Last week I was cooking chicken breast then cut up and put in spagetti sauce and let it sit for an hour in fridge then heat and put some parmsean cheese. The sauce helped a lot. Last night I cooked boneless skinless chicken thighs. I marniate overnight in bbq and then remove and cook. Thighs are much juicer because they are dark meat. This makes them a little higher in fat but also higher in protein. I can't eat beef very well so I do what I can with chicken and tuna. I love veggies! Hope this helps some!
   — Adriane T.

October 13, 2002
I remember at 4 months out having a hard time with meats also. If they were dry, I could not tolerate them. I did cook a lot in the crock pot because it would make the meats very tender and moist. I got all my recipes from , I love that site. I still use it all the time. Just yesterday I made a chili recipe by 'Bob' that has over 500 reviews on it. I made that a lot in my early post-op time. Great protein plus I would add cheese to the top of it. Also, I was able to tolerated more around the 6 month mark.
   — Cheri M.

October 13, 2002
Hi! Isn't it weired to think that we're eatting because we HAVE to not because we WANT to! I'm a little over 4 mos. out and I have a hard time eatting to. My typical day looks like... a couple of slices of cheese for breakfast, 1/2 carton yogurt for lunch, and lots of protein for dinner, usally in the form of chicken breast ( I'm one of the odd ones that can handle chicken ) sometimes I have a few crackers during the day, but beyond that I don't eat much. People on this site don't like none eatters and none protein drink doers, but I'm one of them! My blood work all looks great, and I feel okay. My Dr. told me to not push-it (the food), If I don't want to eat dinner, I don't. Good Luck, they say it gets better (the eatting thing). Tambi -85 lbs @ 202 lbs.
   — Tambi B.

October 13, 2002
I agree, chicken kills me. But I can eat ground chicken or ground turkey. I have been making meatloafs, meatballs, chili (which is really good) all with ground turkey. I also add liquid protein to them and the family has no idea. I figure it can't hurt to give them a little extra also. For breakfast I have either two mini appetizer quiches or I have the instant oatmeal for women that has extra protein and flavored with vanilla and cinnamon. The sugar is low enough that it doesn't bother me. I have been making mashed potatoes and adding cheese and chopped green onions (and a little liquid protein) and then baking it again. This goes great with meatloaf. And as a note...I freeze small portions of the meatloaf in individual baggies. I just need to microwave one and I have an instant lunch or dinner if the family is eating something I know I will not tolerate. Hope that gives you a couple of ideas.
   — Sue A.

October 13, 2002
At 4 months out I didn't like much of anything. It was VERY HARD for me. I LIVED on Wendy's chili, cheese cubes, cottage cheese and yogurt. I also drank, and still do drink, crystal light. It wasn't until I was about 6 or 7 months post op that I started liking food again. Back then I cursed this surgery every day. Now, looking back, I guess I am glad it was that way cause it helped me lose a lot of my weight. I am 10 months post op now, eat anything I want in MODERATION, and have about 21 pounds to reach my goal. I have lost 99 so far.
   — Kim B.

October 13, 2002
My staple foods are pork (sausage, chops, ground, cube steak, etc.), string cheese, canned LITE peaches, bananas, tuna on crackers, eggs in whatever form appeals at the moment, fudgecicles - NSA, popcorn, raw or cooked broccoli, cooked carrots, potatoes, and I love fresh raw tomatoes and steamed brussel sprouts. Most veggies sit very well on my stomach. Am finally able to eat cottage cheese again, but I can't stand processed meats, yellow cheeses, yogurt, bread/toast or ground beef. Chicken I find goes down best when it has been cooked by someone else - canned or frozen dinners - I think it's been pressure cooked so it is more tender and moist. I don't do pressure cooking :>) I love crackers, but they make me dump for some silly reason.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 13, 2002
What I eat can be found here: ... although it doesn't show how I put things together... I tend to relax a bit on the weekends and don't keep as much track.. but turkey is a staple of my diet more than chicken, except canned Swanson chicken.. makes a great chicken salad... and its soft. I also eat shrimp.. although I'm less than successful with that.. works better if someone else cooks it. I bought some Fat Free gravy this week to try and soften up the turkey and maybe try some cooked chicken breast. Good luck....
   — Lisa C.

October 13, 2002
Try having a pure protein breakfast of scrambed eggs/melted provolone topped by a tablespoon of veggie chili-let it all melt together. YUM! and its pure protein. For dinner, cook that chicken in a crock pot filled with chicken broth, onions, garlic, celery. Chicken is tough early on except when its very moist. Also try steamed white fish (wrap in tin foil, add water, and bake). For veggie, try cutting up some squash-yellow and green, add onions, water, and stewed tomatoes. Bake and add slices of provolone on top just until melted. Can you tell I love melted cheese? 1/2 sandwiches are good too with deli meats and cheese, or tunafish in them. These are the things I was eating at 4 months out. At 8 months out, I still have a hard time with dense meats/dry-reheated fishes, and for some reason, Chinese food over fried rice (gas and bloating).
   — Cindy R.

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