I am a slow loser

I am a slow loser. This bothers me because I am not a lightweight. I do carry most of my weight in my legs and thighs and behind. I had complications early on and was on IV for about 5 days in the hospital and lost no weight. Though my weight loss seems to be picking up I do notice that I am not really losing in my thighs. Someone please tell me that I will eventually lose there also. I walk all the time everyday and do a stairstepper. I also brushed my hair this morning and noticed a handful had come out eeeckk. I am exactly 3 months post op today and I am down 56lbs. Any suggestions to help me out here.. Thanks Krysti    — Krysti H. (posted on July 7, 2003)

July 7, 2003
Hi Krysti. Congrats on the weight loss!!! You have lost more than I have. I am 3 months and down 43lbs. I have lost inches at my bust and waist, but not on my hips or thighs. Everyone loses in different spots. As you lose weight I am sure that you will lose in other areas. Hang in there!!!
   — M B.

July 7, 2003
Gonna say what you don't want to hear...Slow and steady wins the race! You're doing great! I'm a 'triangle' shape too, carrying most of my weight in my butt and hips and thighs. They are definatley shrinking now. But, in the beginning, I saw little difference while my arms, waist and breasts (oh yeah! just what I wanted- to be flat chested)all shrank away. Now, I'm losing little on top and most on bottom. I've heard a saying, "last place gained, first place lost" and if seems to fit me. So, there is hope for you! Don't worry. Oh yeah- my hair started falling out at exactly 3 months and stopped around 7 (thank god- I was at my wit's end!) GOod luck to you and I hope you have continued steady loss. Lisa C- Post Op-RNY 11/18/02 - 126lbs (30 lbs to goal!)

July 7, 2003

   — Jazzy

July 7, 2003
Years ago before I gained a lot of weight I was doing the stair stepper 5 times a week. I noticed my butt and thighs were getting larger. I went to the health club and the trainer asked if I was doing any form of stair climbing, when I told her yes she said this is used to ENHANCE these areas in other words she said make them larger. But it was muscle. Now that I am 10 months post op and almost at goal I still have that J LO butt, but DH loves it LOL. 56 pounds in 3 months is GREAT, be proud of yourself. Take care. RNY 9/02 213.127.
   — April G.

July 7, 2003
You are not what I would call a slow loser...56 pounds in three months is phenomenal! Have you ever been on a diet that successful? Give yourself a break! In the meantime...I am an hourglass figure...have always had ugly legs and a bubble butt. I am now two weeks shy of my year anniversary and just in the last week I started to notice my thighs and butt look small...I am still 20 pounds from my goal...but the thighs seemed to be that last to go...also I notice they are jiggly, even though I have been true to exercising from day just know when you are very close to your goal, those littler legs will show through! I finally fixed my camer so I hope to post a more recent picture soon in my size 6--that's right! size 6 jeans. :-)
   — missmollyk

July 7, 2003
Well I think that is a great loss. I had lost 48 by my 3rd month, continued to lose slow but steady until 16 mo out. I'm 3 years out now and only go up 3 and down 3. How the weight loss works is that, the first place you put on weight is the last place to go. My thighs were the last for me too, but if I put on any weight I can tell right on those thighs. PATIENCE! Enjoy your wls journey. You're body knows exactly what to do, so sit back and see how you transform.
   — ZZ S.

July 7, 2003
I am 3 months out. I am considered a light weight, but my legs and thighs are way bigger than my other friends who had the surgery. They weigh a lot more than me, but I was blessed with the legs. I have lost 57lbs in 3 months. We are about in the same place according to weight loss. I started Curves 1 month ago. This has made a world of difference in my legs. I can now cross my legs!!! YEAH!!! I have heard that a stair stepper is to increase your thighs, calves and butt. I remember seeing a show that had skinny girls with no definition to those areas, and they suggested they use a stair stepper. You might want to consider a bike or walking as an alternative exercise. Congratulations on 57lbs weight loss!!! Good luck.
   — Lisa C.

July 7, 2003
I haven't had my surgery yet, but I'd be thrilled to lose 56 lbs in 3 months. Think about it... have you ever been on a diet where you averaged a loss of nearly 20 lbs a month? I sure haven't. God bless you.
   — Bonnie

July 7, 2003
I am 16 weeks post op and I have lost 52 pounds so far.So your doing great in my eyes .. I started as a light weight and I exersise , do my water and eat what Im supposed too... I do know I am exersising more then others 10 hours a week so I am gaining muscle. I went from a 24 to a REGULAR 16 in fact the pants I had on today were 14/16 and an XL shirt.. I am 199.5 I know before when i was this same weight I was in a size 22.. So I know im loosing inches.. I would rather look good and weigh 200 then weigh 150 and look flabby..
   — Catherine B

July 7, 2003
I am among the slow losers as well, but dont let that get you down cuz it just means it will take us a little longer to lose the weight and besides losing slowly isnt such a bad thing either gives our body time to adj as we lose. You will eventually lose most of your body weight just be patient and you will get there.. trust me cuz i felt like i wasnt losing enough either and now im a year and half out and 143 pnds gone ... you will be surprised a year from now how much you have lost...stay possitive hone and good luck to you!
   — Deanna Wise

July 7, 2003
Hi, I am probably one of the slowest losers I know. I am almost two months out, and down 23 lbs. So, 56 lbs in three months is awesome. I am also pear shaped. If you take your meserments, you will probably notice that more inches are lost off your hips and thights. It just isn't as noticable as the top half that isn't as heavy. Keep up the good work, and take one pound at a time.
   — Robin T.

July 8, 2003
Since you are only 3 months post and have quite a bit of time in front of you to continue losing, you probably won't know for a while what your body shape will end up looking like until your more like 12-18 months post op. You can exercise all you want and it will help to develop the muscle underneath but truthfully, the saggy skin if it is going to happen, will no matter what you do. Its a result of how long and how much overweight, your age, how many pregnancies (tummy, not thighs), genetics, skin elasticity and luck. Hair loss usually runs in 3 month cycles, but don't worry you won't go bald and it does grow back.
   — Cindy R.

July 8, 2003
Original Poster Here.... I just wanted to thank you all for the positive comments. They have help a lot. Sometimes you just need to hear that all is well. Thanks again... Krysti
   — Krysti H.

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