Progression of swelling questions?????

am having a lower body lift on 6/27 and I am a little confused about the swelling issue. When does swelling start? And how much? Right when you come home or later on (like a week or two PO). Also when does it start to subside...3 months? 6 months? How far down the road does it peak? This is what I have learnt so far about swelling: you swell more at night, it will end eventually and it gets worse with activity. I will be waking up from surgery with a binder and 6 drains. My PS does not beleive in compression garments. Please share your knowledge and experience with me...the enormousness of my upcoming surgery is really starting to hit home...I am getting scared. I am worried I won't fit into my work 2-3 weeks PO...    — Lynne C. (posted on June 2, 2005)

June 2, 2005
I just had the LBL last Monday and let me tell you I am so happy with my results. I had NO pain but was sore, swelling isn't that bad hope it doesn't get worse. I have three drains that will be removed Monday and I wear a binder. The only thing I don't like, cleaning the drain sites every six hours! But everything else is so worth it. I weighed 145 going in the hospital and lost to 137. Making 99 lbs since my WLS. I had an awful experience with my wls and was scared this would be as painful but I only took the morphine for four hours til I realized I wasn't hurting. I was scared that I would start hurting. I wish you luck and I know you'll be happy with your results, my stomach, private area, outer thighs and butt all look 100 % better!
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 2, 2005
It sound like some folks lucked out in the no swelling department...not me. I had a LBL on 9/04. I swelled with 18lbs of fluid after about 1 week post op. It was really bad and painful. I wore a binder and it really helped when the swelling moved to my stomach and pubic area. I have ton of info on my profile if you want to read about it. I hope you breeze through this but dont be suprised if it is a little harder than you anticipated. Good luck. Wendi
   — lovemonterey

June 3, 2005
Hi, I have had a few plastic surgeries and no drains. I am very concerned for you . The swelling starts immediatlely and lasts for about 6-8 months, it goes down a little at a time. You will start to see a nice difference in your body at about 3 months or so. Night time is the worst for the swelling and pain. DRAINS..... are you nuts, PLEASE go get a second opinion. COMPRESION GARMENTS are very important for a few reasons. they help keep the swelling down to a minimum. If you turn the wrong way or to hard, you have less of a chance of ripping open the incision. They hold your new body in place while it heals in place. My plastic surgeon has me wear one for 8 weeks after each procedure. The day I decided not to wear it I could feel my body falling with gravity. They making healing more comfortable. I would never recommend a surgery without a compresion garment. In fact I had leg lifts without one until I learned that they existed and now I am going to have the leg lifts agian because my legs are dropping because they did not have anything holding them in place while I was healing. Finally to help keep the swelling down go to the health food store and buy ARNICA and BROMELAIN. The arnica is for pain and it really helps. The bromelain keeps the swelling down. I had breast implants & liposuction in March and I still take the Bromelain it really helps. If you want to email me [email protected]. I would be glad to answer more question and share more of my horror plastic surgery stories with you. Do yourself a favor and wear a compression garment.
   — shana1569

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