I would like to know if any post-ops have tried something called, "Protein Power"?

I am trying to get myslef ready for my return home from the hospital and am finding there is SO much out there I am not sure of what tastes ok anad if its even goos for you. Also can someone tell me what their doctor required them to take in the line of Vitamins and minerals, including Dosage/amount.???Please help, I'm getting to be a short timer now, 15 days!!.. Patti    — Patti W. (posted on June 6, 1999)

June 6, 1999
Patti, I too am a short timer. Wish it was done. Waiting is hard. I heard the one a day over the counter vitamins are fine. If your Dr. had blood work done then he may suggest something else. You should see a dietician before or immediatly following surgery. These are Questions to ask. I'll be thinking of you. I have 13 days to go. Can't wait but shaking in my shoes.
   — Carol T.

June 6, 1999
Regular Childrens chewable vitamins, and 1 of each of these pills, once a day! A&D, B-12 1000mcg, B-1 100mg,E 400iu,Citracal calcium citrate, Ferotrinsic (Iron). Robin
   — Robin C.

June 6, 1999
Immediately post-op my doctor required a chewable multi-vitamin/ mineral supplement. I was taking Flinstones. Now I just take a good multi-vitamin/mineral tablet each day.
   — dboat

June 6, 1999
I have found that after several weeks I needed to include protein at every meal. It seems to give me more energy (might be in my head). My doctor was not hung up on what I ate but more about how much and how often. He seems to feel it all works out OK and I should eat what feels good and doesn't make me sick. There is a lot of trial and error at first. Everyone seems to be different and each doctor has their own procedures. For vitiams I take 2 Flintstone chewables each day and that does the trick.
   — Ken C.

June 20, 1999
2 Flintstones vitamins everyday and 40-60 grams of protein. You need to sample the powders. Some are godd and some are GROSS!
   — Donna D.

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