They knew I was overweight when they sold me the insurance-how can the deny WLS?

I have been working on insurance approval for almost 6 months. I'm in review - the second time now. Has anyone else been paying a higher premium (because of my weight our policy was "rated") and been denied? There is no exclusion - I have been denied because of my current health status. Right - at 5'2" 300 lbs. I'm just too darned healthy!    — Mary P. (posted on September 24, 1999)

September 24, 1999
Am I understanding you correctly that you have NO CO-MORBIDITIES? Do you have back problems, high blood pressure, type II diabetes, incontinence, shoulder or hip problems, snoring, etc. etc. These are all co-morbid's, and there are more than what I listed. If you have any of these they should be included in the reasons for needing the surgery. I hope that this helps. If there are no exclusions then you will have to fight, fight, fight. It may be worth enlisting the aid of Walter Lindstom, whom is a lawyer and specializes in helping people getting approval. Best of luck to you.
   — [Anonymous]

September 25, 1999
Don't give up, It took me almost 2 yrs of fighting with my ins. to finally get approved. It has been worth it. Good Luck! and God Bless!!
   — Jan T.

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