Does anyone have a copy of the ASBS Presentation from June 1999?

I understand from the chat room that a Dr. Flancbaum (sp?) gave a presentation regarding the recommendation for distal RNY for patients with BMI over 50. I have searched the ASBS web site and the Internet, but cannot find it. Can someone please tell me where to find this information? A bit about my stage in the process, my insurance carrier has finally admitted they received my surgeon's letter. The surgeon and carrier are both located in the same city. The letter was mailed 12/1. It took 10 attempts (9 faxes and the original mailed) for them to get it, but they have it. I have been advised it will stay in Medical Review for 2-4 weeks. I will call them daily until I get my response! The procedure is covered if medically necessary. Thanks.    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on December 15, 1999)

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