Keeping the house clean post-op

I'm a single mom to a beautiful, active daughter. Unfortunately she's commonly known as "The tornado". She's pretty good at cleaning up the kinds of messes she makes...but not always! Post-op my mother will be taking care of my daughter as I recooperate. I'm obsessed with cleanliness and my mother--well, she's a slob. Although I know it's different for everyone...I'd like to know some personal experiences from post-ops on how long it took till they were able to get up, do dishes, vacume, not heavy duty cleaning, but everyday chores. Thanks all!    — [Anonymous] (posted on August 14, 2001)

August 14, 2001
I really stressed about this too - although I'm not single.... I obsess over my clean house and with three kids and a hubby I just knew that it wasn't going to be the way "I" like it as a post-op. I did have a Lap RNY and was home in 1 day. By 5 days out I was doing the regular chores, although I wasn't lifting the vacuum cleaner - just turning it on and moving it back and forth. Fortunately, the kids were a little more compliant than they normally are with their chores that week and my hubby helps out so much anyway that it ended up being okay. What ended up out of place that first week - I just caught up on when I felt better. I had so much more energy once the weight started coming off that I was able to catch up on everything and then some! You'll be fine!
   — T.L. S.

August 14, 2001
I am post-op Open RNY almost 3 weeks now. I have the most trouble just standing. Walking is okay, but standing makes me very tired. I have 3 active boys and a hubby. I can do the dishes, but in 2 shifts. I can vacuum and even do the laundy, although one of my kids has to take it out of the dryer since I cant bend that well yet.
   — barbpatter

August 14, 2001
hi, my answer to that , if you dont have a husband to force into chores lol , is to rely on friends!! big time!! thats what they are there for, i had to do it myself, and thankfully, they are still around to chat with after seeing my messy house! good luck to you!!
   — sara C.

August 15, 2001
The day before I had surgery, I cleaned my house top to bottom. I could have eaten off the toilets, not that I would hehe, but I could of, they were so clean. Then , also before surgery, knowing that my kids are somewhat sloppy, I got a hold of a neighborhood teenage girl that my daughter talks to, and asked her if in the event I needed her, would she be willing to help clean if I paid her. She was more than willing, teenagers love money. Ask around your neighborhood, see if any teens need a some extra cash.
   — [Anonymous]

March 11, 2003
I smiply hired a crew to come in a clean once until I was back on my feet better!
   — Jammie J.

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