Why do I go up and down 3-4 pounds in the same day?

Just curious.. I don't usually weigh more than once a week, but someone told me once that you should weigh every hour you are awake for a day. Then you will know when you are the lightest, so you can weigh yourself the same time every week. ANyhow, I was wondering why I go up and down 3 or 4 pounds, sometimes 5 in the course of hours.. up and down, up and down. Is this a normal phenomenon? Or does this signify my need to do something different, ie: More water, less water, less salt, more vits, etc.? Thank you.    — [Anonymous] (posted on November 8, 2001)

November 8, 2001
Honestly, I never heard of the theory that says you should weight yourself every hour. I'm usually pretty anxious to see if I've lost any weight, so I weight myself first thing in the AM every day. I think you're weight can jump up and down because of water retention. I know that if I eat somehing salty, my weight will go up like 3-5 lbs in one day!
   — Cristy K.

November 8, 2001
While I only advocate frequent weighing as an express ticket to insanity, you migh try weighing naked & empty. Then drink 6-8 oz of water & weigh about 10 min later. Nothing else, no other changes & just SEE. Of course, as the day goes on & stuff goes in, stuff goes out, you absorb some, pass some, it changes moment to moment. I have Scale Rules. I can weigh naked & empty, FIRST thing. If I brush my teeth, too late. If I drink a drop, too late. If I clean the bathroom first, too late. And I moved the scale into another bathroom, so I have to robe, go down the hall, disrobe, weigh, rerobe........ big nuisance. It was either move the scale or move my place of residence to a nice SOFT room.
   — vitalady

November 8, 2001
You are so funny! I know the scale can get a little obessive. I too weigh different amounts during different times of day. I have found weighing nude (yes nude...ugh)and with and empty stomach about 1 hour after I wake seems to give me the most accurate weight. And for whats its worth I weigh myself in the morning and in the evening every single day. Can you give some advice on how not too....*LOL* The scale has become my new best friend! So I can really realte to your question....PS Im down 63 lbs since 8/16/01 I had Lap Rouxeny.....Good Luck! And keep on losing!!!!! :)
   — Melissa S.

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