how can I be gaining weight?

My period is not due until the middle of April. I have gained two pounds on my plateau of March 15th through present. I am being good, and only eat if I'm hungry. Some days I'm able to eat chicken and salad, other days just a little cottage cheese and soup. Why am I gaining weight? Really scared.    — elaine27 (posted on March 27, 2003)

March 26, 2003
I wouldn't let it bother you. Throughout the last 4 months, I would gain 1-3 pounds and then lose those plus a few more. I think alot of people bounce around like that. I am down 148 pounds, so that bouncing around hasn't hurt me much (15 pounds from my personal goal). I wish you the best. Sincerely, Mary Beth
   — Beffy W.

March 26, 2003
Are you eating enough? My nutritionist just told me a story about one of her post op clients who decided to eat 400 calories a day so that she would lose faster and guess what she lost after a month of misery? HALF A POUND!!! In a month. She convinced her to eat 800 calories per day and a week later she had lost 6 pounds. I have not hit a plateau so far and eat between 600-800 calories per day. Write down what you eat, you may not be getting as much as you think. Good Luck!
   — Carol S.

March 26, 2003
I have been graphing my weight since about a month after surgery (every day). I have noticed that when my weight goes up a couple of pounds - especially after being at the same place for days and days, there is a significant drop in a matter of days after that. Last time it was 5 lbs in 7 days, which doesn't sound like much, but I was a lightweight when I started this process. Maybe the same will happen to you!
   — koogy

March 26, 2003
Weight fluctuates based on different things including fluid. The same thing happenes to me, I would sometimes be up two or three pounds and a couple of days later back down again. I tend to weigh a good two pounds more in the evening then I do first thing in the morning. I wouldn't worry unless I gained a good 5+ pounds and it couldn't be explained away as fluid retention.
   — Lisa N M.

March 27, 2003
I too Have that problem, I will stay the same for a week or so and then be up 2-3 pounds then all of a sudden I lose 5-6 pounds it seems to be very common, I am onkly 3 months out and I am doing that same thing right now. Don't get depressed.
   — Linda A.

March 27, 2003
Darlene, I do the same thing at least once a month and I am almost 14 months post-op. Its frustrating when you are exercising and eating right to see a 2 pound gain, but the others are right-usually it goes away within a week along with 1 or 2 more. Something that may be affected your weight loss though is if you are not eating enough. If you are not getting in enough calories, your body thinks that you are trying to starve it and it will hoard every last pound. Sometimes when stuck on a plateau, adding a few hundred protein based calories to your day for several days shakes up the system and tricks the body into letting go of the weight.
   — Cindy R.

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