Does anyone else feel like their stomach is fatter, even after being at goal?

This sounds like a weird question. I'm 23 and am 1 year post-op, recently reached my goal of 130lbs. I'm exstatic, don't get me wrong. A few months ago I felt like my stomach looked pretty good, was almost flat in clothes and i was doing alright. But the past couple weeks, I feel like my stomach is so fat, could be mental issues, but I honestly feel like there is more rolls there than a few months ago, despite still losing weight. my tops abdomen/rib area is flat. But below and a little above the belly button is flabby and way below as well- I don't get it. I'm just waiting for a rich man to come along and give me a TT, cuz I sure can't afford it! :-)    — Lezlie Y. (posted on May 14, 2003)

May 14, 2003
Hey, when you find that guy ... wouldja please introduce me to his older brother?! ;~D<P>You might be seeing new rolls down below because of extra skin, now that more fat has fled. Bummer, huh?
   — Suzy C.

May 14, 2003
That rich man better have alot of brothers cuz I need a rich guy too! lol
   — Peggy D.

May 14, 2003
Lezlie-I feel that way- the scale has not moved in 4 months- my clothes fit fine, some even baggy, but I feel so FAT! I feel like my stomach is bigger than it was 3 months ago- I dont know why-
   — ~~Stacie~~

May 15, 2003
We don't lose weight equally in all parts of the body. Right now, you have probably recently lost more in your hips and waist, whioh makes your stomach look bigger. I looked proportional until I lost the last 35 pounds or so, which ALL came from my boobs and belly. Suddenly I had no boobs (just tube socks with rocks in them, lol) and loose. flabby skin everywhere on my stomach. My body shape continued to change for two years after I reached goal, by the way. hugs, Ann rny 9/10/99 260/124
   — [Deactivated Member]

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