I am 5 days post op and I force myself to eat

For breakfast this morning I had 1 1/2 saltines and maybe a 1/3 cup of milk. For lunch I had a bit of mashed potatoes with broth instead of milk. In between I sip regularly at crystal lite. I'm not interested in food and don't feel hungry. My doctor isn't extremely specific about amounts and types of food. Only that right now it must be a liquid or puree going down and eat slowly. I need specifics. I'm scared to death of messing up. I looked at Victoria Bowen's list from Dr. Husted. It is good I just need to know if I am supposed to eat 4 oz at every meal. I don't know if i can , but would try. They gave me stupid stuff in the hospital like ice cream and pudding, but I didn't touch it because it was full of sugar. I know i need protein. I'm sending my husband to the store this afternoon. I'm going to ask for carnation instant breakfast sugarfree. What else? I think my problem is more fear of eating the wrong stuff or amounts, so I can't relax to eat at all. Please help.    — jami G. (posted on December 18, 2000)

December 18, 2000
Dear Jami...go to for a really good post-op eating plan. Be sure to click on the sample menu links as they provide amounts too! Good luck and please let me know if this helps you.
   — Roseann M.

December 18, 2000
Jami, Just by adding 3 teaspoons of dry milk into everything you can, will really add on your protein.
   — Robin Q.

December 18, 2000
Jami, It is hard to eat much 5 days, or even a week or 2 after surgery. Your small stomach pouch, and the opening between the pouch and your intestine are swollen and almost closed off. You also are recovering from major surgery, and don't feel like eating much. Concentrate on taking liquids so you don't become dehydrated, and eat simple pureed and soft foods as you are able to. The problem up till now has been too many nutrients. You probably have great nutritional reserves, and can go for some time without depleting your stores. As you feel better and the swelling goes down, and you learn what agrees with you, you will take more. As you begin to take more, try to lean toward high protein foods and supplements, bearing in mind that some people can't take dairy products or dairy based supplements. Do let your doctors know how you are doing, especially if you have diabetes, so that they can adjust your medicines as your intake goes up and down. It will all work itself out. Hang in there.
   — Michael A. T.

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