I'm 6 weeks post-op RNY Lap, and I'm not able to keep anything down except Water. Is

I'm a 41 yr old married woman, weight 286. I have lost 36lbs. When I take my (crushed) pills, they upset my stomach and they come up. So I haven't been able to take prilosec, premarin or my zoloft. I've tried to put it in applesauce, ice cream, etc. I'm turin alittle crazy and depressed over this issue. Please help. My surgeon just tells me to hang in their and it will get better, but I don't see and end in site. Also I can't keep any protein down too. So all I have is water and a couple of oz. of milk aday. I really don't even know how I'm staying alive. Thank you, Dana    — Dana V. (posted on August 8, 2001)

August 8, 2001
This is terribly I hope you can insist the Dr see you and check things out. You need to get other things in to ensure proper nutrition. Please take care and insist you be cared for and treated equitably.
   — Dawn R.

August 8, 2001
Well this sounds a lot like me. I am 39 years old 8 weeks post op LAP RNY. I've lost 52 pounds. I am still not able to hold down solids very well at all. Mostly I think because I can't get it through my head that I have to take tiny bites and chew chew chew and wait a few minutes in between bites and don't drink for 30 minutes before eating and 30 minutes after eating. I have survived most of this time on my vitamins, ice, water, popsicles and soup. Most everything else I eat makes me feel like I have a lump stuck in my throat. The wierd part about it is, I CAN eat Chips like at a Mexican resturant. I don't, but I can. It doesn't bother me much because all post ops assure me that within a few months I will be able to eat small portions. I go back to the doctor in about 30 days. I will mention it to him, but I don't think its too wierd from what I hear from some others, Am I wrong? I also had a problem when I combined my high blood pressure medicine with the other things I was taking. It made me throw up every time. My doctor said I could stop the high blood pressure medicine for a month and see if it stays down and I am not throwing up my medicine anymore since I stopped it. I am never hungry, just hoping that in another month or two it will be easier to eat solids.
   — blank first name B.

August 8, 2001
I really hope you get better and this is only a suggestion off of what you wrote. I think you should really avoid all of the foods you listed. Ice cream, milk and applesauce are all high in sugar and that could be what is making you feel so sick. Have you tried broth, mashed potatoes or sugar free jello? Maybe you should start trying food that aren't so high in sugar and see if you feel any better. If I eat any of those things I get very sick and I am 10 months post op. It isn't suppose to be this difficult and I really hope you get better soon.
   — Sherri M.

August 8, 2001
I think you need to get with your surgeon and his dietician and work on what you should be eating. First of all you shouldnt be taking pills with ice cream under any circumstances! Have you tried eating low fat lite yogurt,low fat cottage cheese, cream of potato or black bean soup, broths, sugar free puddings, scrambled eggs, refried beans, perhaps peanut butter? It was difficult for me to swallow some of my pills immediately post op and I found that I could take a spoonful of sugar free pudding made with skimmed milk and bury a half a pill at a time in the pudding to make it go down easier. Your vitamins and prescription pills are important to your health. You have to figure out something to eat that gives you some protein... or your muscle mass including your organs will suffer. You want to lose fat not muscle. I know it is difficult for you but this is important. Get with your doctor and see what he says.
   — SusanMaria

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