Recovery time for tummy tuck vs. open wls?

   — georgiacarol (posted on April 28, 2002)

April 28, 2002
I had open RNY 11-1-00 I had TT 4-9-02 The TT is by far worse with the RYN everyday got better with the TT everyday gets worse now I have a infection and my drains fell out the fluid under my skin and seeps out of holes it has caused on the surgery line I had planned on 2 weeks now who knows now long and keep your fingers crossed I don't need more surgery they are talking about going back in... the pain level is high I have heard TT's are very difficult surgeries I know, I know 6 months from now I will be happy but today huge mistake HUGE kathy
   — Kathleen M.

April 28, 2002
Not everyone has problems after their tummy tucks. I admit the pain was pretty bad for about 2 weeks. I did develop an infection with my new belly button but my incision healed up just great. I was out 6 weeks but in reality I could have gone back after 4 weeks. Good luck to you.
   — susan V.

April 28, 2002
I had my Abdomninoplasty (Tummy Tuck) done on Febuary 1, 2002. It took a full 6 weeks for me to really feel better. I did not expect this to be as long a recovery time. It took alot out of me. Altho it is now worth doing, I did wonder why I did it at the time. I love the results now. I would do it again, but be prepared, as it is a longer recovery than the open RNY I had. I had no complications either. I healed very good. I went into the clinic at 8:00 am and left to go home at 2:00 pm. With the RNY I was in the hospital for a week, so someone was there to take care of me. I was just not as prepared for the recovery of the tummy tuck. If you know going into it the healing time, and, the pain is not so bad as just being uncomfortable. Good luck on your choice. Just know to take it easy and be ready. It sent me into a slight depression, but now I am feeling great and am happy with the job. Good Luck to you Bonnie
   — Bonnie B.

April 28, 2002
I had my open rny April 2000 & my tummy tuck April 4, 2002. In my case, the rny was more difficult. I never had the level of pain with the TT that I had with the rny. I had planned for the TT to be very hard & then was pleasantly surprised when it wasn't as bad as I had expected. The first few days to a week were fairly rough at times, but I took my pain meds regularly & they really did handle the majority of the pain. I have had no complications with my incision or with the drains, no infections. I began working again at my desk job a few hours at a time at about 2 weeks post TT. I was back to pretty much full time by the third week. Now, sometimes I would take an hour off & go rest, then come back later. I am still restricted in lifting, but that's about all. I am still being careful, but I have been able in the last week to vacuum, run a little & play with my dog & generally live life as usual. I have had a rough last 2 or 3 days as I caught the cold that's been all over our area. Boy, oh, boy, what serious coughing can do to these new, tight tummy muscles. ouch! Thank goodness I had saved some of my left over pain meds. I took a few of those when things hurt a lot. I'm over the worst now & I have weathered it quite well, I think. I still have swelling & excess fluid, but it is decreasing. I am hoping to be able to see the final results before too long. Everyone tells me my tummy looks flat already, but I can feel the liquid swish around when I walk halfway fast. weird! I haven't had any regrets at all; it's gone pretty easily for me.
   — Kathy W.

April 28, 2002
Georgia, I had my TT on April 3 2002 along with a hysterectomy. I returned to work on April 25 2002. The level of pain and discomfort depends on your tolerance level. I was up walking around the day after the surgery. I am still sore and I still tire easily but I am able to work. Listen to your body and take off the time that you need. Everyone is different and heal differently. Good luck. Teresa
   — Teresa G.

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