How can I help spread the word?

In the past week, I have learned that my PCP is no longer going to refer patients for WLS and my surgeon is no longer going to perform the surgery due to rising malpractice insurance costs. This surgery not only changed my life, but it SAVED my life. What can we do to keep the momentum going forward, not backward?    — Susan C. (posted on August 29, 2002)

August 29, 2002
Well I called our local paper and pitched them the idea of a story on WLS. I did this to spread the word. It worked great and our support group got lots of new members saving their lives.<P> <P> You might try something similiar with TV, radio or other media. Is this move part of a larger one involving malpractice costs thru out your state or is it specific to WLS. If these addresses dont work they are in my profile along with a third one. ALL this from one phone call and some easy follow ups. You can do it too. Of course you could visit your local state representives office and talk about how surgery helped you.
   — bob-haller

August 30, 2002
Susan, for every 1 doctor that is getting out of the business of WLS, there are 2 or more to replace him. From what I have seen, it is one of the fastest growing surgeries and more and more surgeons are jumping on the bandwagon. There seems to be more and more celebrities having it, and more and more news stories popping up on the news shows touting the benefits of the surgery. I think the momentum is moving forward and not backwards. What we can do is spread the word among friends, family, co-workers...we are the best examples of why this works.
   — Cindy R.

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