For those responsible for preparing meals for their family . . . .

have you found it difficult post-op? I envision myself preparing all my family's favorites (spaghetti, chicken, the occasional steak, etc.) and us sitting down to dinner together with my protein drink or 3 or 4 bites of something plain and feeling awkward. They support me totally, but isn't it weird to be finished with your meal before everyone else at the table is less than halfway through?    — Sarah R. (posted on November 8, 2002)

November 8, 2002
I eat what my hubby eats..We have changed our eating habite some-definitely for the better..We eat at home more instead of eating out. I just eat the protein and maybe a taste of veggies or whatever and he eats everything..It really won't bother you because you fill up on protein. We finish eating and he is stuffed and I feel fine!! If I really want something else I have a bite. That satifies the urge..
   — Sharon1964

November 8, 2002
We just eat like a normal family. As a new post-op things will be awkward because you won't be able to eat very much. Now that I'm 4 months out, it's not an issue. I just eat slow and talk a lot. That way we are kinda eating at the same pace. If we go out to eat... usually by the time they are done I'm ready for a box so it works out okay. I still cook and do everything that I did before. I just eat less. I wouldn't worry too much. =)
   — Tanya B.

November 8, 2002
I am a single mother of a 6 yr old and I found it difficult to cook. Before a pack of chicken and a can or two of veggies was no problem. Now we have TONS of leftovers. My frige is actually full all the time. I only have to cook every other day.
   — Debbie W.

November 9, 2002
I had been home from the hosp about 3 days when I had a 3 hr crying fit over a taco bell commercial and decided food would not beat me. I got up the next morning and began preparing all the meals. I am winning. I know what I can and more importantly what I should eat and that is what I do. It actually becomes easier after your puke a few times. Anyway the mental part of this surgery is way harder than the physical but keep remembering the reasons you did it and look toward the payoff I am only 7 weeks out and believe me it is already paying off. Good Luck Your already a winner!!!!!
   — Peggy A.

November 9, 2002
I know exactly how you feel. It is the same way when I eat in the break room at work with the girls, and when I got out with family. I guess what we have to do is accept the fact that they are going to accept us no matter how weird it is to us and to them! They Love you, so dont sweat it! God Bless you!
   — Stephanie B.

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