Will crunches help me prepare for TT in one month? How many? How often?

   — betseylovelace (posted on December 17, 2004)

December 17, 2004
Just a thought. But would the crunches make your muscles alittle larger so then they would'nt tuck as much. Then when you quit them.... the muscles would'nt be as large and the skin would be looser????
   — Danmark

December 19, 2004
Dear Betsey, I know of no data or study that has looked at this question, however it makes sense to be in the best physical shape possible before your surgery to help with wound healing and decrease the risk of complications. From an exercise perspective, I recommend spending more time on cardiovascular exercise than sit-ups or crunches for this reason. Doing crunches will make your abdominal muscles stronger and larger. The strength of your abdominal wall will also help to support your lower back during recovery. Another factor depends if your rectus abdominal muscles have split apart from childbirth, weight gain etc. because your surgeon may suture the two muscles back together. So, I would recommend 50 or more slow crunches at least every other day after you have done your cardio exercise . I hope you find this information useful. Joshua Kreithen, M.D. Lakewood Ranch Plastic Surgery, Bradenton FL -
   — Joshua Kreithen, M.D.

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