Does everyone have plastic surgery after WLS?

I have been reading these questions and answers for several months now and I have one big question. Does everyone have PS after WLS? I had complications after WLS and I have decided NEVER to have ANY kind of surgery again. Yes, I have skin hanging, but I don't think I could risk having surgery again. My husband says he doesn't care how I look, he still loves me and I know he does. I haven't read anything from people that have chosen not to have PS!?!?!?!    — debi327 (posted on February 18, 2005)

February 18, 2005
I never thought I would have had plastic surgery after losing weight. But I found that I HATED the way my body looked after losing 125 pounds MORE then when I weighed 248 pounds!! Each person is different though. Some people are just happy to lose the weight and they don't care about the excess skin. I'm just not one of those people. I am MUCH happier now with all of the excess skin cut off. I feel better about the way I look and the clothes I can now wear. If YOU don't have a problem with it, then don't worry about it. However, remember that when you had your WLS you were MORBIDLY obese and a HUGE risk for complications. With the weight loss, this makes you less of a risk for complications. I have had several surgeries since my WLS and have had no problems. Everything depends on how good your doctor is and how good your body heals. Luckily, I've been blessed in both of those categories.
   — Patty H.

February 18, 2005
I haven't had plastic surgery and have lots of hanging skin, but my fiance doesn't care. I would like to have plastic surgery because sometimes it causes me problems with pain and infections, but if I never get to have it, it's no big deal. I'm still happy with myself. I'm just satisfied that I can move around better again and don't have so many health problems! The plastic surgery isn't a requirement that you have to have unless it causes some problem that becomes some type of medical emergency.
   — SnowWhiteDove459

February 18, 2005
I didn't have PS. Not that I would say no if someone walked up and offered it up for free....but I'm not so unhappy with the way I look to seek it out and pay thru the nose for it.
   — RebeccaP

February 18, 2005
Hi Debbie, I am still pretty newly post-op, 4 months to the day to be exact, so I don't quite know what it is like to have all the skin hanging(although I can see it beginning.) But, If you vowed to never have a surgery(that you can live without) and your fiancee loves you for you, then why worry about it? You are the most important person in your life, so shouldn't it make sense that you keep the promises you make to yourself? If you are happy then stay happy and don't take any unnecissary(sp, sorry) risks. With all due respect, if everyone else jumped off a bridge, would you? Stay happy and healthy, Amber
   — septembergirl73

February 18, 2005
Hi Debbie, I had my surgery just one week after you. Before surgery I thought I might have PS....but thanks. I'm happy to be healthy on the inside, and like you, I have a hubby who loves me like crazy. I was a thin person in my younger days, so I had my time with that body. Now, at 40, I'm okay with the "older looking me". The only place that bothers me now is my neck...and when I look at my mother, aunts and grandmother, we all match, so I guess that part was inevitable! Mind you, bathing suit season isn't here yet, but if I continue to look 'normal', I won't even contemplate PS. Thanks for your post, as I was beginning to wonder if I was the ONLY one out there myself!! Hugs, ~christi
   — christi_in_VA

February 18, 2005
At my clinic, less than 10% have had plastics after WLS.
   — kultgirl

February 19, 2005
I never ever thought I would have any kind of plastic surgery. I always thought it was foolish, shallow and vain. Then The hanging skin came. I have now had a lower body lift and arm lift and am scheduled for a thigh lift, breast lift, implants and lipo on my lower back. My daughter (age 22) was making fun of me for the implants and lift and was watching me look thru before and after pics of other people. I came across one(before) that looked very much like me. My daughter said "oh my god that poor woman, what happened to her breasts?" I said those look exactly like mine. She got very serious and said no way. I offered to show her, she declined and said now she understands why I want the surgery and I should go for it. My husband of nearly 27 years won't say a word one way ir the other. He says it is my body do what I want. the scars from the LBL are nearly invisible, the arm lift , well they are quite thick, but my doctor feels they will recede and if not will treat them with steroid injections. The bottom line... I am so glad I had plastics, the few pounds removed with the LBL did more for my self esteem and body image than the 130 pounds I lost prior to plastics. I truely respect each individuals decisions to do what is best for them and their body. These are very individual decisions and YOU and only you live in your body.
   — **willow**

February 19, 2005
I think that is a very personal decision. I don't think everyone has plastic surgery. I know several people who didn't. I don't think you should go by anything anyone here has to say, but by your own feelings about what you want and what you are comfortable with.
   — Beatrice C.

February 19, 2005
Alot of people feel like it is "the finishing touch" after GBS. I felt that way. I was self pay, because my pannus was very small. -2.5 pounds. No way would insurance pay for it. It was a personal decision 4 me. I had the $7,500, and wanted a completely flat stomach. Just what I got with a hip to hip and an anchor T incision. The T/T was so piece of cake. I'd do it over again if it was triple the price. I love my flat tummy. But, it is a personal decision. I had 7 strictures after my open RNY and 2 large hernias. Stricture queen/and Hernia surgery was AWFUL. T/T was so piece of cake. Best of luck on your decision. Kathy.......RNY Proximal, June 23, 2003.....T/T, June 21, 2004.....3XL to Medium top, 24XL Tall to a 14 tall. Smiling all the way to the bank. 295/165/160....5'8" tall. I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat, 7 strictures and all. :):):) I love the new me!!! Healthy and Happy.
   — Kathy R.

February 19, 2005
This is a very personal decision. If the excess skin is causing any medical problems or conditions then you should consult with your surgeon; otherwise I say leave well enough alone. I'm with you; I've had 5 surgeries in the last year and don't intend on having anymore, (all complications due to the gastric-bypass surgery.) This is only my opinion though, just do what feels right to you.
   — Christina D.

February 19, 2005
Like everyone has said it's YOUR decision and no one else's. I honestly thought I would be able to get by without PS based on the fact that I had lost 200 lbs 9 yrs earlier and I don't remember anything all that bad. However, stretching my skin out by 200 lbs again and getting 9 yrs older took it's toll. Sharpei is an understatement. I had 19 lbs removed with my LBL, so it wasn't just a little nip and tuck. I've also had the equivalent of an upper body lift to deal with the skin above my waist and a medial thigh lift to get rid of the hanging skin on the inner thighs. I plan to have the lateral thigh lift redone to pull them and the butt back up. After that any more PS is up in the air based on lack of funds. Insurance covered the major portion of my first 2 PS's but the medial thigh lift was all mine and it wasn't cheap. <p>For me a former SMO I lloked at removing the skin as a closure piece to my SMO life. I will never forget what life was like at 442 lbs but I do not need to be reminded every time I look in the mirror. It is time to move on with my life and shedding a lot of the excess skin was a part of that. However, if it was totally impossible financially to have any of the skin removed I would have survived and been okay with it. I still was so much healthier and able to do tons more than before WLS. PS really is a personal choice. One of the biggest problems is that it does become addicting. If I had tons of money I'd keep working on the various areas trying to improve them as much as possible. Not in order to look like a 20 yr old or a model but to try and get to a "normal" body. Even after all the PS I have had my body is far from sag or bag free. I'm thrilled with the results but there is still room for improvement.
   — zoedogcbr

February 20, 2005
The decision is up to you. I was 329 lbs. and I said the same thing. I can live with my body after the weight loss. What happen next was a surprise that resulted in me having PS. I carried most of my weight in my lower body. When I lost 180+ lbs the excess skin on my butt was giving me problems. I couldn't sit down form more than 20 mins. because of the excess skin. I'm also having problems with the excess skin on my thighs (hurting my knees). I excercise 6 times a week (light to heavy workouts). So when I my weight became stable my insurance covered a complete body lift. This PS took off about a ton of skin off my butt, hips and stomach. My thighs still have to be worked on but that is it. Sure my arms could use a lift but I made a promise to myself that I would only have work done (PS) if it was medically necessary. Also, you have to take into consideration the cost. MOST Insurance Companys do not cover these type of surgerys. You have to pay out of pocket. The problem is most people who have Bypass think PS surgery go hand and hand. It does not. When they find out the insurance companys do not pay they become very disapointed. Doctors need to explain that you may have to live with the excess skin. You have the right attitude. -
   — Linda R.

February 22, 2005
Probally most of us need it, but we low income people can't pay for it. I doubt NYS Medicaid or Blue Choice Option will pay for a body lift.... which after losing almost 170 lbs is sorly needed! :(
   — Danmark

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