Is it better to let the Dr do a tummy tuck while you are still under for your RNY

I was just wondering if this is actually effective or if it would just be a waste because he doesnt actually know what will need to be tucked at that time???    — Lisa E. (posted on December 18, 2001)

December 18, 2001
You have to wait to loose the weight before the tummy tuck will be effective. It involves removing saggy skin, which will not be saggy till you loose the weight. My saggy skin has shrunk well, hopefully yours will too.
   — bob-haller

December 18, 2001
I know a lady that had the Tummy Tuck done when she had the RNY and she has to get it done again since she is closer to goal. I waited until I had lost 280 pounds and I am very, very happy with my Tummy Tuck.
   — DeeDubbs

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