Is it possible that your doctor will move you on to or past the next phase?

I am not quite 2 weeks out and I have had no problem with any of the foods that have been on the list. The first 2 or 3 days I did feel very full after 2 spoonfuls of broth. I felt uncomfortable for the next few days and now my stomach feels back to normal with the exception of being small now. I and my hubby too has the feeling that I would probably be able to eat the next phase of diet. Is the advice to try a little and see or not? I hear people say after 3 days, 1 week or 2 weeks they move on to more solid foods. Could I be one of the more fortunate ones that won't have a lot of bad problems here? I seem to be adjusting very, very well. Not being able to eat regular food is beginning to catch up with me. I crave the chewing sensation, the crunching sensation and have done it and spit the food out and washed out my mouth. Strange, I felt satisfied after that!!    — wemax2 (posted on October 5, 2002)

October 5, 2002
The way my doctor advanced me to the next phase was I went in every 2 weeks and they gave me a new list of foods to try. I pretty much religiously stuck to the lists and nothing more. I'm now 7 weeks post-op and the list I just got said basically I can do anything except beef, carbonated beverages, soft breads (I can have pita and fat-free tortillas and heavily toasted breads.), uncooked broccoli, cauliflower and celery. I go back in 5 weeks at which time I'll get a new list and they'll do labs at that time. Be sure your doctor agrees to you advancing before you do.
   — Cathy S.

October 5, 2002
be careful. Surgeons have diet restrictions for a reason. Your insides have been cut and sewn back together. I would hate to think that you would eat something that could jar that apart before it healed.
   — RebeccaP

October 5, 2002
Well you shouldnt cheat, but if your going to CHEAT RESPONSIBLY! You on puree? Cut whatever into pencil eraser sized bits and chew to death. That was my surgeons advice, blender or chew to death. That chewing REALLY helped me! Now take it slow, NO big piecese at all and one food at a time, to see what you may be intolerant of. Take it slow and easy! Good luck:)
   — bob-haller

October 5, 2002
Why would you want to rush it if you are doing so well? It takes time to heal properly and you do not want to cause an unnecessary problem. I know how anxious you must feel to move onto the next phase, but in the long run it is better to wait. When I needed to chew I did, but I spit it out without swallowing.
   — Sue A.

October 5, 2002
My surgeon & nutritionist have their post-ops on a liquid diet for 2 weeks, pureed diet for 2 weeks, soft diet for 2 weeks and then progress to a regular diet one food at a time after that. But those are only guidelines that they provide. HUP WLS patients have progressed to the next phase sooner in some cases, later in others - depends on how they are tolerating each phase.
   — John Rushton

October 5, 2002
At ten days post-op, I skipped all phases and went right back to "normal" food. Of course, there were a few things I didn't go right back to, like lettuce, by I attribute this phase skipping to my quick recovery and renewed energy. I was back to work full time after four weeks. Go for it! My doctor gave me a thumbs up! Open RNY 4/29/02 -91.5 lbs.
   — stacey L.

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