Is Wendy's chili meat boiled?

Several months ago I remember reading, I think, that Wendy's chili is easier on our post-op popuches because Wendy's boils their chili meat.Will someone confirm this please...    — Cheri P. (posted on November 17, 2002)

November 16, 2002
YES, in fact the beef in Wendy's chili is boiled to remove the fat. That is why it is an "acceptable" food in almost any diet plan! And it tastes good too!
   — asumamma1

November 17, 2002
I used to work at Wendy's and had to help make the chili. The meat that is used in the chili are the hamburgers that are on the grill and not used. They are put in a warmer after being on the grill. If they are not used they are frozen. They are boiled to unthaw them then put in the chili. During this process I suppose it does remove the rest of the fat in them. I must say that I was very disappointed with my first cup of chili from Wendy's after surgery. There is virtually no meat in it anymore. It was loaded with onions and peppers. I was worried at first, but luckily I managed to tolerate it. I hope this helps. Ruthie
   — Ruthie K.

November 17, 2002
Cheri, Wendy's Chili is very inconsistent from store to store...I would go to Burger King and have theirs'...It is quite comparable in nutrional content. They have a website with the info on it...I love the BK chili
   — heathercross

November 17, 2002
I too worked at Wendy's about 10 yrs ago. We fixed the chili just like Ruthie said. In fact, you could hold the meat in the fridge for up to 3 days after cooking it. Hmm, YUM? I dont eat the chilli from wendy's, I make my own.
   — Debbie W.

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