tt or panni with a large recent gall bladder scar

Hello, I recently went into a plastic surgeon and was told he couldn't to a tt or a panni on me because my gall bladder scar comes up to high. What i'm wondering is if anyone else has been told this too and still been able to find a surgeon who was willing to do surgery? I'm kinda down about this and have pretty much given up on the chances of finding someone who can do this. What upsets me the most is that my weightloss surgeon is the one who removed my gall bladder and should have known better then to make my scar so high up.....ugh. thanks for all your help. debbie    — deborah D. (posted on August 7, 2003)

August 8, 2003
My previous "traditional" gallbladder surgery left me with a 7" diagonal incision along the edge of my ribcage. My plastic surgeon performed an anchor-incision panniculectomy and completely removed the gallbladder scar in the process. He stated that it wasn't an issue for him at all. Different surgeons have different approaches and techniques. I would advise getting a second, or possibly third opinion to determine if the information you have been given is entirely accurate. Best wishes!
   — Diana T.

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