Do I absorb all of the calories/vitamins I eat?

I had RYN in June. My doctor says that the procedure I had was restrictive and that very little of my intestine was bypassed. I assume that this means that I had a proximal RYN. With all the talk about absorbtion or malabsorbtion, I was wondering whether I absorb all of the calories and nutrients I consume? If not, how much of it do I not absorb?    — miles B. (posted on September 7, 1999)

September 7, 1999
Yes and no. With ANY bypass you lose a bit. Else, why bypass? The main loss is usually protein. Protein is absorbed most readily in the first 12-18" our of the stomach. So, since your food doesn't go there any more, you now must break down food and absorb it in other areas of the intestine. It's easier to get protein from supplements, as they're predigested. Not necessarily milk. As to the other minerals and vitamins, that depends on your particular body. How often does your doctor recommend labs and what does he look for?
   — vitalady

September 7, 1999
Patients with proximal RNY gastric bypass ususally have no malabsorption problems. However they may need to take supplemental iron, folic acid and vitamin b12. A simple multivit with iron is all I prescribe initially. with yearly bloodwork checks.
   — Bruce B.

September 8, 1999
This is a good question for your doctor, he knows specifically how much intestine was bypassed and what supplements you need to counteract the malabsorption. There is some even with a proximal, that's a big part of why you lose weight rapidly. Talk with your doc, and follow his instructions and you'll do great!
   — Sherrie G.

December 2, 1999
I had some serious nutrition problems because I wasn't absorbing all of my nutrients and food. I have found a wonderful line of products that have answered all of my nutrition needs. If you are interested in getting some information on them please let me know. Beth Pons [email protected]
   — Beth P.

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