Updating profiles

Not a question just an observation...Just wishing everyone that is still an active member would update their profiles.. This information is so helpful to all the new comers as well everyone else. (like me) For example your beginning weight, current weight, complications if any. And the health benefits of your weight loss to date.. i.e. (No longer taking diabetes or blood pressure medications etc.) So many times someone on here answers a question and I go to their profile and there is nothing there but, name, doctor, and insurance carrier. Please update!!! as Marth Stewart would say.."It's a good thing" ;-)    — Victoria B. (posted on November 14, 1999)

November 14, 1999
May I add that it would also be helpful if people would specify insurance carrier (especially when WLS has been approved!). Thaks!
   — Morgan B.

November 14, 1999
Thanks for reminding me. I really appreciated it.
   — snicklefritz

November 19, 1999
update profile
   — Sue R.

March 24, 2000
Dear Vicki, I agree with you on this posting updates thing. Seems that once people get their surgery, they forget about this site. My goal is to help as many people going through what i went through, as possible. I have consistantly updated my file and it almost reads like a diary. Wish others had done the same. It's interesting and informative. Thanks for the suggestion and i hope more people take it to heart. Barb

March 24, 2000
I am having big problems updating my profile. I want to add my surgeon to my profile, etc., but it seems that since he is not on the list (the pull down provided), I cannot add him. I also cannot get my thumbnail to work. Any thoughts on this?
   — Kris S.

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