High in carbs or they taste bad

I have had a hard time finding a drink that I liked. Most were thick and made me gag. High in carbs or sugar. I found one but it is hard to get called V3S. Have anyone tried this? All protein not thick and taste good. Just hard to get. Does anyone know where to get it?    — [Anonymous] (posted on December 10, 2001)

December 10, 2001
Don't know about that one...but ProComplex, from GNC, is great! It mixes beautifully with water w/o a blender - it's thin and delicious. I drink it over ice. Chocolate is my favorite - DH likes vanilla. Try it! Good luck to you. Open RNY 7/17/01.
   — blee01

December 10, 2001
I to had a very difficult time with protein drinks. I found this at gnc and it is not bad. Dr. Atkins protein drink,zero carbs and zero sugars. Try vanilla, mix with water, one pack equal, and one banana ( we need the potasium anyway )If the banana is really ripe, no equal needed as the drink will be sweet enough. I have this for breakfast every morning and taste half way decent. Seems like when I get the protein in the morning I am usually not hungry until 12:30 or lunch time. For lunch I have been eating around 10-12 med size shrimp. You get 20-30 grams of protein in for lunch and it taste great. Realativly inexpensive as I buy the frozen bags at super k-mart for 7.50 per pound or three lunchs worth. Good luck. PS: For whatever reason this Dr. Atkins drink has been buy one get one free at gnc.

December 10, 2001
I know what you mean when you say they taste nasty! I didn't relize they made such nasty tasting stuff. For me I like the Isopure powder packets. It comes in strawberry, chocolate, peanutbutter/choc., vanilla and orange. I mix it will water and it's really thin. I divide the packet in half and drink part in the morning and the other half in the after noon and it's a total of 50 grams of protein and total water that you have to use is 12 ounces. Recently I have tried a premixed drink called Designer Whey Protein Blast and so far it comes in citrus and strawberry/kiwi. It is a 20 bottle and has no carbs and 32 grams of protein per bottle. It tastes like fruit juice.Also,just today I ordered another pre-mixed drink called Zero Carb Glass Isopure. It comes in grape, blue raspberry, fruit punch and orange. I don't know how it tastes but I'm alway out to find something good and for a different taste. It is 20 ounce bottle, 190 calories and 50 grams of protein per bottle. I'll let you know how it tastes when I get it. Of course the pre-mixed are alittle on the costly side but I'm to the point that if it tastes good and I get my protein in, it's worth it. Good Luck.
   — Amy E.

December 10, 2001
I'm with Amy below - the pre-bottled do cost more, but I like the Isopure pre-mixed in the glass bottles. The blue-rasberry is good. The smell sometimes gets to me but the mixture itself is thin, clear, (except for the "flavor color" and goes down really well. You can usually purchase them individually and my place (Nutrisport) will offer a discount if I purchase a case of them at a time.
   — T.L. S.

December 10, 2001
I like the glass bottle zero carb isopure too. It also comes in apple-melon. I also like the EAS premade lowcarb myoplex. 4 carbs and 20 grams protein in the 11 oz or 5 grams of carbs and 30 grams protein in the 20 ounce. I order them online from for a pretty good price or get them at The Vitamin Shoppe where they are often on sale. I only like the chocolate, it is thin and goes down easily. I find I get sick of anything after a while and have to switch around. Currently I gag on isopure, but I am sure I will get back to it. I don't think I will ever be able to do the thick stuff.
   — blank first name B.

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