I don't want to sound paranoid, but...

I am five days post op (proximal RNY, transected pouch) and am already finding that I am able (and want!) to "eat" more than the doc says I should be able to...He says I should only be able to take in 4 tsp. of yogrt, but I have been able to eat almost a full container w/no problems- I have to make myself stop. I can swallow things just about as quickly as I could pre-op, too. I am in the full liquid stage (lasts 3 more weeks) and find I am already wanting to go to pureed/soft solids...getting very hungry. So, it's not like I want to puke or anything, but to be honest, at this point I don't feel much different than pre-op at all, and am afraid I will demolish an entire pizza unless I GET SOME FOOD NOW. Thanks for listening. PS I see the doc tom. and will definitly share all this, but I wanted to get your input too...    — rebeccamayhew (posted on April 9, 2002)

April 9, 2002
Hi Rebecca, I am 7 weeks post op, and like you my 1st week I thought I was eating more than I should. I found out that liquids and fully liquids you can eat more of they go through your pouch more quickly. Once you start eating denser foods pureed this will change. I also think that right after surgery our pouches are a bit inflamed and less sensitive to what we are putting in them, they adjust to what there normal capacity is I think at the end of about the 2nd week. At least that is the way things happened for me. I really thought at 1st either they had made my pouch too big or that surgery had not worked at all for me. By the 3rd week when I was on pureed, I started really learning the limitations of my new tummy. Best of luck to you!
   — SARose61

April 9, 2002
Rebecca, Hi. I have not had my surgery yet, but you should follow what your doctor says about eating. The reason I say this is because my doctor also does open RnY, transected. The reason why its VERY IMPORTANT to follow his instructions is b/c with the tummy transected, if you start to eat too soon (the wrong foods like puree when you should be on liquids) it can break thro the staples and you would Bleed to Death before anyone could get to You,. Thats the reason to follow the instructions very carefully and not vary. Your doctor has your best intrest at heart. He doesn't want you as a satistic. He wants total sucess from and for you. We would hate to loose you now, you have a new life ahead of you. Take care and follow your dr advice. Sandy
   — sandy W.

April 9, 2002
I would talk to my doctor about it. I'm going to be honest, I could hardly eat anything for the first two weeks. My portions were no where near what I could eat before. You must take your time eating. Instead of using a regular size spoon, go buy a toddler spoon. If you are having problems like that, eat only half and put the remaining yogurt away. You've got to give your stomach time to absorb the food. No matter if you've had the surgery or not, it is very much of a mind game. I can remember about 4 weeks after my surgery my mother had fixed steak, baked potatoes and all the other good fixings. I made the mistake of coming to the table and sat and watched them eat. I got up from the table crying. I made up my mind I wasn't going to cheat and I didn't. Don't give in.
   — dolphins94

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