Any good site where to purchase these items?

Hi everyone! I was going over my list of foods I will have to eat post op and was needing help in any good websites where I can go to purchase the protien loaded things we need like the jello,broth,juice,puddings...Any good links? Thanks in advance!    — Vicki R. (posted on September 17, 2002)

September 17, 2002
When you're first out of surgery, the object is just to keep fluids in you. You can purchase all of these at your local grocery store. You don't need special foods that contain extra protein. I lived those first 10 days on Gatoraid(watered down), sf popsicles, diluted juice and hot decaffinated tea. Broth and jello just didn't sit well with me. good Luck to you!
   — Leah H.

September 17, 2002
Protein not inportant the first couple of weeks. Give yourself 6 weeks of TLC - start with juice - apple sauce - babyfood meats and veg and instant thinish mashed potatoes.I lasted 2 days on baby food. Tuna and a bit of mayo - or egg salad - scrambled eggs/cheese and Wendy's chile chewed well. Protein drinks - I liked vanilla because I added powder-water-and flavorings like strawberry.cherry.pineapple,rum,brandy- just a tsp or so to the protein drinks. Be kind to your surgeons work - puree your food- that means chew it up good. You could go for 2 weeks easy on diluted gatoraid but I started adding the baby food right away-they served stuff kind of like it in the hospital. I also had yogurt occasionally. Oh - I stalked up beforehand on too much. Beware.
   — charlene M.

September 17, 2002
Hi, Take a look at All of their vitamins are designed for WLS patients. Michelle (vitalady) and her husband both have had WLS. They are also a great place to get protein mixes, and you can get samples to see what brand and flavor you like best. Pro Score 100 choclate is really good. Just home from the hospital you could take a normal 4oz protein drink and split the powder up into 4 portions. Mix each one right before drinking, and spread the 4 drinks out through out the day. The protein will REALLY help you recover faster. Make sure to get in your calcium citrate, and your B-12 also. Good luck!
   — Amanda E.

September 17, 2002
I was a good girl scout and was SO prepared for post-op! I ended up throwing most of it away. As the other posters said, the broth and jello were a complete waste. I threw them away along with lots of $$ worth of protein drinks that I literally couldn't swallow. The ONLY thing that went down well, as long as FOUR weeks post-op, were sugar free popsicles. Drink LOTS of water with a little something added for taste if you need it... good luck!!!
   — Rebecca T.

September 18, 2002
A suggestion from my doctor, was to put some powder egg whites (found at the supermarket in the baking department) over everything. This gives you extra protein. good luck
   — barbara A.

June 20, 2007 The website has a "25% off" all order special going on until July 2nd, with free shipping on all orders over $85.00 I am still one week away from my last appointment with my doc-before submitting to the insurance company. However the gastric bypass coordinator at the hospital where I would be having the sugery done is so sure I will be covered that she told me to go ahead and order needed supplies.
   — sry48

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