Post Ops-Has there ever been a time that you gave in to temptation

and overate something on purpose? How did it make you feel physically and emotionally?    — yourdivaness (posted on June 19, 2003)

June 19, 2003
I will admit there has been a time or two (or three) when I thought to myself "that's good and I'm eating more!" and was miserable for hours. There have also been a couple of times that I thought "I'm eating so much, my pouch is WRONG" and pushed my limits to make sure my tool was still there. :( I just wind up miserable! I'm only a year out, and I don't want to keep entertaining these self-defeating know when my head is thinking that way, I argue with myself or take a walk. For me, I have to put things back into perspective. And ramble! Good grief - just so you know it has happened to me!
   — Mendi M.

June 19, 2003
I still LOVE food! I was scared to eat my first 6mo and now these last few months I try something new everyday. Today I ate a rice crispy treat and I was in heaven LOL, but it made me a little sick, which I knew it would. I have been taking bites of sweets and fried foods and dump on some and am fine with some. I feel like im getting out of control again, but at the sime time I don't even care. I think 1-2 bites and not the whole piece...Hmmm that can't be too bad. I was eating chips everyday and I gave them up except for at parties or something like that and now I have to start controlling temptation with sweets b/c I keep dumping and that is such a bad feeling. I will keep on fighting!!! Now I know why my weight loss is so slow now, but today I am 9mo post-op and have lost 122#(only 11# until goal), I don't feel that's a bad thing. Good luck to you:o)
   — Sandy M.

June 19, 2003
AHHHHH...Yesssss....We all are human and we have to test our limits sometimes....Mine is always...without a doubt....always is why I do not have pizza very often. Usually I have my husband order a personal pan I nab 1/4 of it. That is a whole meal for me!! Trouble is that is all my friends seem to eat is pizza!!!
   — Oldsoul

June 19, 2003
oh yes! of course... the surgeon cut my stomach up.. but I'm still and will always be a fat person.. for me.. sugar still tastes good.. now.. it doesn't agree with me too much.. AND I'm pickier... I had a few mouthfuls of pistachio mousse pie a couple of weeks ago.. probably about 1/3 of the slice.. OH MY.. it was heaven... before.. I would have eaten donuts... now I'm better about choices, about making things treats, moderation.. and never eating anything unless its really good. On overeating.. I have.. but its so painful... I really don't... but with sugar.. I know I'm going to dump... and sometimes that doesn't stop me... but I never eat enough to really be bad... just a little bit of uneasiness and heart racing for a short time. I guess I'm enough in tune to know my limits.. but I do push them sometimes... just a little wiser I think than before. And then again, maybe I'm kidding myself... but it seems to work for me...
   — Lisa C.

June 19, 2003
I am 18 months post-op and let me tell you, my tummy does not let me get away with that one bite too many. when my tummy says that's enough, I either stop or suffer the consquence.
   — bbjnay

June 19, 2003
Yeah... I did once, and never again. I wanted one of my mom's homeade rolls. Actualy, I wanted 2, and ate both of them. I was misrable for hours. Fast heart beat, dizzy, nausea, very bad stomach ache... Won't ever do that again... out 8 weeks, down 40#
   — mellyhudel

June 19, 2003
When I eat something that I shouldn't, I get sick. Thank God. It keeps me eating properly. I don't beat myself up about it anymore. I just pick myself up, and I remind myself that my WLS is what helps me overcome my "temptation failures". It only takes once time of getting sick to keep me honest for months and months. And I remind myself, that failures now are only a few bites.... not an entire gallon of ice cream. So, that helps me maintain a pretty positive attitude.
   — Kathy J.

June 19, 2003
I think this can be (for me) one of the hardest things about wls. Even though I'm just "overweight" now, I'll always be "morbidly obese" inside my head. The thought of consuming a whole pizza or bag of chips does cross my mind every now and then, even though I know that I can't physically do that. In some ways, yeah these kind of thoughts bring me down. But, I think it may be good in another way: just 'cause I can fit into "normal" sized clothes, shoes, seats, etc--I'm not "normal". I'll probably always have a mental struggle with food. To keep MO away, I need to always be conscious of this fact, imo.
   — Laurie A.

June 20, 2003
Has there ever been "A" time? How about LOTS of times! I still occasionally push the limits, even though I know it will make me sick, cause weight gain and feelings of failure. It's part of the disease of obesity, even though I'm no longer obese. The disease is just in remission, it's not "cured" (another Michelle Curran/Vitalady saying... I seem to be quoting her alot today ;)
   — mom2jtx3

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