Is it possible to jump start my weight again

Had my gastric bypass and gallbladder taken out in 8/01 at around 295, lost 130 pounds. Then I had a fibroid removed in 10/02 got pregnant 12/02. Was in the hospital for 3 months on strict bedrest. Had the baby 7/03 and then on 12/03 Had a hysterectomy Now my question is that I wasn't done loosing when I was put in the hospital on bedrest. But the baby was very small and somehow in my mind I thought I needed to eat more to give her more nutrition. Plus, laying in bed for 3 months with no cable and very few visitors - well all I had to do was eat. Wait for breakfast lunch and dinner. So I thought about the baby and food alot. I was at a size 12 when I got pregnant, now Im at a size 18, alittle snug 18. My sweet tooth is completely out of control. Since I don't have periods anymore, I can't even say it's PMS, but it seems like I still get it worse around ovulation. My doctor said that I'm just plump but this has got me depressed. I don't dump - at all. Never have. To be truthful, I have forgotten the rules of eating this quickly. I'm stuck at 193. I just want to start loosing again - if it's possible. Can anyone tell me is this going to be as difficult as it were if I didn't have the surgery or is it just a matter of changing my eating habits( which I know I have to do)and jump starting my weight loss again. And by the way - the baby was still small and premature but she has made up for it in every way.    — K T. (posted on April 25, 2004)

April 26, 2004
Of course its possible to lose weight, even now. I don't think losing weight is ever easy, but it is easier since having the WLS, due to the smaller amounts we consume. You are going to have to change your eating habits, what you eat and how much you are eating. Increase the water-eliminate all other caloried drinks. And most of all, MOVE. Are you exercising? Cardio (heart pumping for a good 1/2 hour 3-4 times a week) will help enormously by boosting the metabolism to burn those calories more efficiently. Put baby in a stroller and walk very fast, uphill is even better! Alot of postops are doing the south beach diet, a modified Atkins and are finding great success with it. Congrats on the little one, now get back out there and do this for you.
   — Cindy R.

April 26, 2004
Well if you're a nursing mom some of that is milk fuild. My sister had a hysterectomy and the doctor told her to STOP eating anything that was "white." Sugar, flour, bread, milk, pasta etc., initially she thought the doctor was nuts, but after gaining 15 pounds, she followed docs advice, added exercise and food portions - She back down to a size 4 again after 10 months. Of course, since you had WLS you need to look up those pouch rules on the Q&A.
   — Anna M.

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