Will I gain it all back?

Help! I am 6 weeks pregnant! My jeans are already tight and I feel like I have gained every pound back! Help! I am glad to be pregnant but I am terrified! This is my second child and I have been told that I will show my pregnancy sooner due to my muscles. I am taking in protein and water and staying away from sugar completely! I need to get on the exercise kick again. But I really need some boosting! Help!    — peggyp (posted on March 18, 2005)

March 18, 2005
I gained 22lbs during my pregnancy and lost it all 2 weeks after giving birth. Most people that I spoke with that got pregnant after WLS didn't have a problem with losing the weight after giving birth. Just try to eat right and walk for exercise. Good luck and Congrats.
   — badkidzmom

March 18, 2005
I had a post op baby and was very vigilant with food and supplements. She was healthy and normal and the baby weight came off but it was work (I had all but 10 lbs off by 6 weeks post natal and the rest took awhile). It is scary knowing I had to gain wt but IF you do what you KNOW you need to do, it will be wonderful. She was my 2nd child. It was so nice to be able to buy normal sized maternity clothes instead for buying plus sized jumpers and letting them out like I did with my first child. My post op baby is now 8 yrs old. Rita in Vermont
   — vt_rita

March 18, 2005
If you are dilegent about watching what you eat and using your tool properly you will not gain much weight. There is a girl I know that had her surgery 2 days before I did and just had her second baby right before Christmas and she only gained 25#, she is only 10# away from loosing all of it. She said she was always hungry and was cautioned to not go over the 1/2 cup of food when she ate but was told that if she wanted to eat every hour it was ok. Just co-ordinate your pregnancy with your surgeon and your OB doctor and you should have a smooth pregnancy.
   — ChristineB

March 18, 2005
Peggy, dont fret, eat well, not TOO MUCH! Your body only need about 300 more calories a day to sustain a healthy baby. I got pregnant 9months post-op, and had a wonderful healthy baby! I gained 32 lbs, and lost it all by 6 weeks, and have since resumed losing. I remember talking at my support group about being worried my body would need those extra meals I ate to gain weight, but it didn't. Thank goodness. I do breastfeed, so I do eat a bit more then normal, but have still managed to lose more weight. Best wishes, enjoy this blessing!
   — PhyllisM

March 21, 2005
Peggy Congrats!! I am 10 months post partum and back to my pre preg weight and size I am however just a tad shaped differently but over all back to where I was before getting preg....I gained apx 27/30 pnds and that is only because I had to eat 24/7 and eat what ever I could even junk food just to gain weight. After I had my son which by the way was 5 pnds 13 oz I had i think 20 give or take to lose about a week 10 came off and then i spent the next 9 1/2 months losing slowly to get the rest off and that is without really trying. I wouldnt over do it just eat healthy as u were before and I am sure you will do fine. I am actually wanting another one and I will probably do things just a little different like eat healthier and excercise during preg.. good luck
   — Deanna Wise

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