I am about 9 days post op and I broke down and ate an egg last night

What will happen to me? I have tossed and turned all night worring about it. I feel okay. But I know I'm still suppossed to be on the clear liquid diet. It just wasnt' doing it for me. What do I do now?    — [Anonymous] (posted on September 6, 2001)

September 5, 2001
My doctor has us eating soft food in 4 days. We are eating food by the time we leave the hospital. Don't worry. Eat another egg if you want to. Just chew, chew, chew. Good Luck!
   — MARSHA D.

September 5, 2001
My 3rd day after surgery I was given scrambled egg, grits, and applesauce for breakfast. I did fine with it.
   — SHARON A.

September 6, 2001
My surgeon has us eating on day two, Lap RNY. I think you will be fine, just try to make sure you dont eat the whole egg. You should try to eat just a third of it or half at the most. Best wishes and dont worry as long as you could handle it, you should be fine. Keep your chin up
   — Kathy H.

September 6, 2001
I think the worrying is causing you more harm than the egg. :) Different surgeons have different guidelines. Try to stick to the guidelines you were given. If you stray and you've hurt anything, you'll know it. As long as you feel ok, you should be fine. But don't take that as license not to follow your surgeon's advice, just let it ease your mind from what's already been done.
   — kcanges

September 6, 2001
Always recommend following the doctor's orders; however, I wouldn't worry too much - my doc said I could start eating eggs (1/2 of a full egg, or one full egg white) at 5 days post. NOT cooked in oil - and in fact he told me not to eat eggs at restaurants - never cooked right for me. Good luck to you. Open RNY 7/17/01.
   — blee01

September 7, 2001
All I can say is good for you. I needed to do the same and I did...I felt so much better. As I started to tolerate more I slowly added new soft items to my diet and I am doing be honest great I am 3 wks post op and 31 lbs down...Good Luck and listen to what you need!
   — Melissa S.

November 8, 2003
A transition food that has been helping me: Egg Drop Soup. I take out the green onions and have this wonderful Chinese take out staple. It has egg but it has been whipped and is VERY thin. Nonetheless, I still chew it to start the digestive process.
   — Emily H.

November 8, 2003
I am 2 wks post op and each doctor is different. I was on liquids for 2 days, then I could have eggs, refried beans, tuna, chicken salad, and soup. Just try to follow your doctor's instructions, but don't worry about this hurting you.
   — Jackie P.

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