
  • BMI 48.2

Obesity & Me

Describe your behavioral and emotional battle with weight control before learning about bariatric surgery.

I have wanted to do this for years. I originally had a Gastric Bypass performed September 1, 1983. It was a successful bypass and I originally started at 260lbs and within 9 months was down to 125! It was AMAZING. However..... yes there's a however..... although things went well at first, I got pregnant in 1986 and had my first son, Richard in 1987. I only gained about 15lbs. during my pregnancy and right after giving birth I was back down to 120. Three years later in 1989, I got pregnant with my second son, Matthew. During this pregnancy I began to notice that I could eat more. I assumed it was due to my pregnancy so I didn't get too concerned. During this pregnancy I gained 60lbs.and it never came off. I continued to gradually gain weight and within 2-3 years I was right back up to what I have always jokingly called " my fighting weight". I dieted on and off and at one point in 2006 lost 80lbs and was down to around 200. I was THRILLED!! Soon after, I met he love of my life, my now husband, Terry. Since getting married I have fallen into the "fat and happy" trap and as I said, I am now 290!! We love to eat. My husbands weight fluctuates and he is a type 2 diabetic. We both struggle but the battle is always much easier for him. His job requires exercise and he can drop weight pretty easily. I on the other hand....not so much. Recently, my Mom passed away. I miss her very much. She left me some money when she passed away and I know she would want me to put it to this use. She also had bypass surgery the year after I did. With pretty much the same result. After about 8-10 years the weight came right back on. She was always as disappointed as I was. Now, I'm not going to sit here and tell you that I was a model patient. I realize that I might have stopped the weight gain if I had taken more control. But as they say...young and dumb!! I am MUCH more prepared this time around and I am looking forward to being able to move better and enjoy my grandchildren more. (Yes, both my boys have made me a Grandma!) Overall, I am very healthy - except for my weight. The only real physical problem I have is shortness of breath due to my weight. Well, that and I struggle to tie my shoes, get out of a low chair and roll over in bed....... I just want to comfortable in my own skin (which I expect to get a bit saggy) and be able to move more and do the things I want to do like, take walks, go hiking (we live in the beautiful Great Northwest).

What was (is) the worst thing about being overweight?

Being SO uncomfortable nd not being able to physically do the things I want to do.

If you have had weight loss surgery already, what things do you most enjoy doing now that you weren't able to do before?

I just had surgery 4 days ago but I'm already walking more and plan to do a lot more exercising and enjoy outdoor activities more!

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