Pre-program weight loss

on 3/25/11 11:28 am - Canada
Need some advice ladies! I started my journey in March 2009 when I was diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes. ( a "Tradtion" in my family it seems....) My G.P referred me to the W W clinic/Program then. I have attended all the modules except 8 and 9 (Am doing in May), I had my first clinic appt a couple of weeks ago. After receiving the diabetes diagnosis and  while attending modules 1-7,  I have lost almost 25 lbs....not a lot compared to many of you!!! My question is this....Does that 25 lbs loss over the last 2 years count or will I have to start The Loss Count all over AGAIN...????I'm afraid of the answer!!! Better to rip the baind aid off quick than fret much longer though I suppose! What are your thoughts???  
on 3/25/11 12:36 pm - Edmonton, Canada
VSG on 06/26/12
Sorry, but only what you lose starting at you intake weigh-in counts.

I weighed 303# when my Dr referred me to Weight Wise 16 months ago. I was 282# (down 21#) at my intake appointment, 274# 2.5 weeks later when I saw Dr Yaltho (internist), who told me that only what I'd lost since intake counts, and I need to lose another 14# before she could even consider referring me for surgery.

I was 269# when I saw my dietitian on Wednesday - 9# to go. (5# in 2 weeks!) She said to stick with the program she'd outlined for me at our first visit, since it's working really well for me, and gave me lots of suggestions for ways to eat according to my plan while traveling. (I leave for 10 days in NB tomorrow)

Now that you're all depressed I'm going to cheer you up. According to what I've been reading on the forums here, every pound we lose before surgery improves our end result. So - instead of giving up in frustration I've decided to use this time to learn as much as I can (my dietitian Carlene is amazing) and work hard on developing the best eating habits I can. Although it's true that what I'm learning now won't fit the way I'll need to eat while my stomach heals after the surgery, it IS the way I'll need to eat for the rest of my life to be as healthy as possible.

We aren't far apart in our journeys - want to be buddies?



Highest 303.4, Surgery 263, Current 217.8, Goal 180



moxy 809
on 3/25/11 3:06 pm
We are seeing the same Dr. and I was wondering about the amount of weight she wanted you to lose before surgery.  Was that amount specific to you or are we expected to lose a certain percentage of our body weight before being considered?  I have only seen her once and she said I needed to show I could lose some weight but never told me an amount.  I will have to ask this at my next appt.
on 3/26/11 3:44 am - Canada
The nurse Janine told me they look for a 10% weight loss. You'll have to do your math, I am allergic to math!!!LOL!!! In fact I think I was born without that "Math" part of the brain!!
on 3/25/11 3:14 pm
I think Kelly-Anne summed it all up for you but I wanted to say journal everything from what you eat to why you ate it and your emotional reasons for bad choice, track your steps and be open and honest at the clinic and you'll do just fine. You'll be amazed at what you have written if you look back to the week or month before.
I'm 6 months out and these things have become second nature to me and I contribute my success to it.
Good Luck and all the best.


HW:274  SW:238  CW: 150.0  1St goal: 199.8  2nd goal:174 (100 pound lost)
My Persoanl Goal: (HIgh)150 (Low)140

1st goal acheived December 27th/2010. 1 week after my 3rd month surgery anniversary.
2nd goal acheived June 4th/2011. 2 weeks after my 8th Month Surgiversary

Gall Bladder surgery April 12,2012

You can either believe it will happen.....or believe it won't.  Both are self fulfilled prophesies. For Me it has happened.  My Surgery was September 21/2010

on 3/26/11 2:58 am - Canada
Thanks Ladies!!  I have been journaling for a couple of years now (Since they suggested it in Module 1) I've been including in it on and off Blood sugars, pedometry readings (Great in spring, summer , fall and sucky in the winter!!) I also do a "Painolog" on what acitivities cause a problem with my ankle and my shoulder.......I've also concentrated on making every dieatary change every suggested to my by all the dieticians (diabetic and Weight wise module one) I've seen. I see my problem as being PORTION control vs. what I'm eating.  I eat amazingly healthy, it's just that I don't feel full on the recommended portions so eat more than recommended. I really appreciate your input/support....pleasant surprise yesterday, they phoned to change my initial Dr. app't (end of May) and put me in April with Dr. Sharma himself!!!! I'm so excited now to enter whatever this next phase holds!! Any suggestions on how to feel full?? I eat slow, chew till mush, only eat veg. (cooked or raw) and protein. My HUGE treat once a week (Survivor nights) is popcorn. How can I feel full? Thanks ladies!
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