
on 10/31/12 10:23 pm - Canada

can someone explain this to me please. my surgery will have been 2 years ago in may and i'm still trying. i was curious though, i do get the foamies on occasion and really don't know what is going on. i understand why i dump or why i will throw up, but what is going on when this happens. i would ask at the clinic but considering i don't go in anymore, i'm sure some of you will be able to inform me. thanks in advance for your advise!

on 11/1/12 12:03 am - Canada

Hi - I tend to get foamies when I have a piece of food stuck.  It only happened once to me and it was a piece of dry pork roast I didn't chew very well.


  I'm 5 ft 7.5 inches tall... 
 "The best way to predict your future is to create it."                   
~ Unknown       

on 11/1/12 10:09 am

It still happens to me at 25 months out. If I don't chew enough of it I eat too much of a slider food. Just a few weeks ago I ate a few gummy candy that I was craving and sure enough it happened. Sometime it's so bad that I will actually throw up. My nutritionist  said it happens when the stomach gets blocked off and your saliva has no where to go but on top of the blockage so therefore it causes a back up of saliva that turns into foamies.



HW:274  SW:238  CW: 150.0  1St goal: 199.8  2nd goal:174 (100 pound lost)
My Persoanl Goal: (HIgh)150 (Low)140

1st goal acheived December 27th/2010. 1 week after my 3rd month surgery anniversary.
2nd goal acheived June 4th/2011. 2 weeks after my 8th Month Surgiversary

Gall Bladder surgery April 12,2012

You can either believe it will happen.....or believe it won't.  Both are self fulfilled prophesies. For Me it has happened.  My Surgery was September 21/2010

on 11/1/12 9:18 pm - Canada

thank you, that makes sense. i had a couple of mouthfuls of kraft dinner. you get excited to eat something and think it will go down easy, guess not! i always throw up when i get the foamies and now i undersand why


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