Happy Friday, Whatcha Eating?

Hilary P.
on 9/9/11 4:32 am - Decatur, AL
 Its finally Friday!!! Im so excited! I finally have a few days off. Well not really off but atleast off from my job so i can work on the house. Hoping to get all the old furniture moved Saturday and paint Sunday and get new floors Monday! Then comes the new furniture! Im so excited!! its a lot of work being done by me cleaning out closets, old clothes and toys and just going thru all the crap i have kept. i think i have an issue with never throwing stuff away for fear of one day needing it. I cleaned out my old chest of drawers last night that was in the spare rom and well lets just say it had every card i've ever received and numerous notes from high school. no reason to keep those i dont reckon. and TONS of pictures from them old days. my computer desk that im getting rid of was cleaned out and dear lord at the pictures and baby things of Jaydens, receipts and other nonsense things that i bought for him. i still cant bring myself to throw any of that stuff away. i have a huge tub filled with that crap. Oh well. sorry to ramble. I'll be busy this weekend needless to say.
I hope Kims daughter has a beautiful wedding this weekend. Im so excited for her. by the FB pics i see i can tell they are ALL really excited. Kim has a right to be very proud of her beautiful daughter! i cant wait for my day (if it ever comes LOL)

on to food for the day

L-1/2 italian sub from Firehouse
S-protein shake
D-? who knows. it'll probably be pizza delivery or a protein shake. got a few people coming to help tonight so i'll probably order pizza for them!

I was running around crazy this morning and didnt weigh so i will tomorrow or Sunday. 

I dyed my hair back brown and have a cute picture i've been trying to put up as my avatar but it wont go, keeps telling me its too big and ive resized it so much i cant even see it :(  so im stuck with this crappy cell phone one. Anyone have an idea whats going on or how to fix it?

have a GREAT weekend!!!!
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