Ladies I need help please

Amy E.
on 9/28/11 2:44 pm
I had RNY 2 years ago and have always had horrible irregular menstral cycles. After the RNY I was able to get pregnant and gave birth to my daughter 5 months ago, since them my OBGYN predicted my menstrual cycle was going to return with a vengence and put me on birth control pills. Before my pregnancy I had tried the Nuvaring which made my uterus prolapse so I was no longer able to use it then I tried the Ortho Evra Patch which worked well except for the headaches and rash due to my terribly sensitive skin however this was my favorite method. Unfortunately my insurance will no longer pay for the patch and I'm unemployed. I need to mention I have a latex allergy and have issues with condoms as well. So we're trying pills with no luck I've tried 4 different kinds of pills and they've raised my blood pressure and made me bleed for 3 months straight. My OBGYN has stated due to my RNY I may not be able to properly absorb these pills and is taking me off them. So depo was mentioned and he said that would make me gain serious weight. So all thats left is an IUD or abstinance which I don't think my husband would appreciate lol. I want more children just not this soon. Have any of you had any problems after surgery with this and if so what do you suggest.
Thanxs, Amy


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