Regain is killing me

Stephanie H.
on 1/16/12 1:46 am - Orange Beach, AL
OK folks, I haven't been here in a long time.  I'm really mad with myself, I have gained 17 lbs, never reached goal and I'm furious.  I need some encouragement and help, it is like I have forgotten what to do.  I know that I must keep away from sliders, but my problem is grazing.  Since surgery, I have always felt hungry, not sure if it is head hunger but I don't know what to do.  I'm wondering if I need to do the 5 day pouch thing to get back on track.

Any tips, advice, encouragement or the like would be helpful.


Kim S.
on 1/16/12 2:51 am - Helena, AL

Stephanie, I say the following as "tough love" and I am not pointing fingers.  We are all susceptible to regain if we don't change our lifestyle permanently.   You enjoyed the "ease" of your new stomach configuration and probably didn't do enough to permanently change your life during that phase and now that malabsorption of calories is pretty much gone, it is catching up with you.

You have your tool.  You just have to make some changes now so that you can lose the few lbs you gained and make lifestyle changes that will help keep it off.

I'm gonna be honest here- the 5 day pouch test is a crash diet.  Let go of that diet quick fix mentality.  Try this:

1) Begin tracking everything you put into your mouth.  You can do that here on OH in the Health Tracker.  I've used it for over 2 years now.

2) Determine your RMR

3) Set your daily caloric level at your RMR - 500.  This will set you up to lose 1 lb per week, which is the safest level to shoot for AND it will give you enough food so you don't feel deprived.

4) Make 100-120 grams of protein per day your goal.  I eat a 6-7 oz chicken breast grilled every single day.  That alone is 53 grams of protein, and it is real food so I feel full.

5) Eat 6-7 small meals each day.  This will keep your blood sugar level and will keep you feeling full.

6) Exercise.  Everyday.  At least 30 minutes.  If your heart rate is up and you are sweating, you are good.  THIS IS A NON-NEGOTIABLE!  If you do not exercise, you will probably fight this regain issue forever.

7)  Follow the rules of your surgery.  Do not drink with meals and do not drink for at least 30 minutes afterward.  Limit simple carbs and sugar, but don't completely eliminate them.  If you do, you'll feel deprived, and we all know how well that has worked for us in the past.......

8)  Come here for support.  We are here for you.


Stephanie H.
on 1/16/12 4:14 am - Orange Beach, AL
Thanks for the advice.  I think for the most part, I know all these things already.  I guess going into this I never knew that there was a point were malabsorption was over.  I am not getting the amount of protein that I need.  I did make the changes in my life, but have reverted back to some old habits due to lack of time, laziness in meal preps.  I do eat the 5-6 times of day but think it is what I'm eating more than how much I'm eating.  I get my water in always because the only thing I have been drinking since day one out of surgery is water and the only other thing I can drink is coffee.  After surgery, I can no longer drink tea or milk because they both make me sick.  I have started my exercise back although I'm only able to get it done 3 times a week rather than 6-7.  As for the drinking with meals, never have done it, now I may be drinking too soon after meals so I think I'll hold off on that from now on.

I really do appreciate the info and it is hard to get back on track but I didn't loose this much to put it back on so I'm gettin busy!!!
Kim S.
on 1/16/12 5:57 am - Helena, AL
Exactly!  You can do this and you are worth it! 

Let me know if I can help-and aren't you lucky?  You live in Orange can walk and run on the beach!  I always stay on west beach in Gulf Shores when I go down there and running on the beach is my favorite thing to do when I visit.
Jennifer B.
on 1/16/12 11:16 am - Townley, AL
I'm about to sit here and cry! I'm having the same problem surgery sister. I can't believe this. But i have regained more like 30 lbs and didnt get near my goal. We can do it and we can do it together. I would love to get back in touch with you and stay in touch. We can be each others cheerleaders just like before. I still love ya chickie. This amazes me how much we have gone through together and not even realized it sometimes.

beforeandafter6-9-09.jpg image by jennismurf205
Surgery date: Aug. 28, 2008.  Start weight 489 -  Current weight on March 29th 2009 368 - Goal weight 180 
Have lost 145 pounds so far.
Stephanie H.
on 1/17/12 1:04 am - Orange Beach, AL
Well I think my biggest monster to defeat is the one within myself.  I use food to help me cope with life's problems which ends up making me hate myself for doing it and then it becomes a viscious cycle.

I have to get back to basics...ONLY EAT WHEN I'M ACTUALLY HUNGRY!!!  Stop listening to my head hunger and really start listening to my body.  The pouch controls the portions of course, it does not control what I put in it.

I love and miss you too girl.  I will keep in touch...We should start telling each other what we put into our body and what we are doing to stay active. 

We will not let this cycle continue without putting up a fight!!!
Kim S.
on 1/17/12 1:35 am - Helena, AL
Ladies, I post a "whatcha eatin/r u moving" post on the Alabama board M-F.  Come be accountable with me!!

on 1/31/12 1:43 pm - York, AL
My biggest problem is WHAT I eat...  All the protein was just giving me stomach fits.  I started going to potatoes, pasta and rice because they were easier on my stomach and didn;t send me to the bathroom!  AS we all know, slider foods are not our friends.  I am trying so hard now to get that protein in FIRST, then filling out with veggies.  Water is always a problem for me.  I just don;pt like it.  Never have.  Going the Crystal Lite route as musch as I can.  I'm about to start the 5 day pouch test.  Anybody wanna do it with me?
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