18 Days & I'm scared!!!!!!!

Melissa T.
on 7/28/03 4:10 am - Rogers, AR
OK...This may sound crazy but I am getting scared! 18 days until my surgery & I am doubting my decision. My life has revolved around food & am wondering will I ever be able to go out & eat a normal dinner. Will I be able to do what it takes to let this tool help me be healthy? Will I remember to do what I need to do & not to do? If anyone has any advice I would appreciate it!!! Melissa
on 7/28/03 7:06 am - cove, ar
I am Pre-op and probably a long ways out,,But if a food addict like me can lose 177 lbs on my own as of now b4 surgery,,Then I know you can do it,just keep good thoughts,
Debbie M.
on 7/28/03 8:34 am - Conway, Ar
Melissa, I'm happy for you. I think this is normal. I'm also having surgery on Sept. 23rd And I'm sure when that day comes I will wonder the samething. Good Luck to you on your journey Debbie
on 7/28/03 11:11 am - Bentonville, ar
Melissa, Can't give you any advice because I feel the same! i'M LOOKING AT IT AS A
Karin C.
on 7/29/03 2:33 am
Melissa, I am right there with you. I only have 14 itty bitty days until I am on the losing side. I have been so confident up until yesterday. I have started getting the jitters. I wouldn't change the course I am on, but I am doubting myself too. Luckily I have a GREAT support system in place. I hope you have the same. I think that this is the time your supporters need to encourage you the most. My "cheerleaders" have already started to keep me positive. Let me know if you need a "cheerleader". I am always here to help. Love & hugs, Karin
Debbie K.
on 7/31/03 10:05 am - Rogers, AR
First of all, take a deep breath. You will be able to go out and eat a NORMAL dinner. You'll be able to do anything you want to. Stuff with sugar will look really good, but if it does to you what it does to me, it won't be difficult to stay away. If you want to succeed, you will. You will remember what to do and if you try something and it makes you feel bad, you won't try it again. It will be OK. I'm 4 months out and can honestly say that it's the best thing I ever did! I wish I could have done this when I was younger.
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