Answer to the Nutritionist Question

on 6/25/03 12:14 pm - Glendale, AZ
Patti, I talked to Becky at Dr. Blackstone's today and asked about the nutritionist consult. She's says that it is required by Cigna. It is supposed to be with a registered dietician and the purpose of it is to go over diet now and after wls. I guess they want to make sure that you know what you are getting yourself into and are making an informed decision. Dr. Blackstone has a dietician at her office, but she is not covered by Cigna and the cost for the consult is 75.00. I made an appointment with a Cigna dietician for Monday and hope that she will cover what needs to be covered. I'll let you know how that goes. Connie
Patti H.
on 6/25/03 3:00 pm - Tucson, AZ
Thanks so much, Connie! Patti
Donna M.
on 6/26/03 4:24 am - Avondale, AZ
Connie, When did Cigna start requiring you see a wasn't even on my 'to-do' list from Randy....Did Cigna change the requirements?
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