6 down and 8 to go

on 10/28/11 11:44 am - Canada
Hiya all

well I am 6 days into the Liquid diet and it is going OK
I am down 4lbs already and Nooshin wants 7lbs for sure. So I see no problem there!
I got the call for the time today and WOO HOO I am first !!!!

I have to be at Hospital at 630 am that is Awesome

I am hoping to be doing so great that I get outta the hospital early also

cross your fingers!


HW 270  SW 226 CW 175.8 GW 150
on 10/28/11 3:19 pm - Canada
Woot woot!!!!  Doing awesome!!!!  The days will just fly by now and you'll be at the hospital for your surgery before you know it!!!
on 10/28/11 3:46 pm
oh that is great!!!

An early surgery time would be ideal!! Just get it over with forsure!!! Im so excited for you!

Glad you are managing okay on the liquid diet! yay for the 4lbs!
you will get the last few easy!
on 10/29/11 2:50 am
6 days and 4lbs, exellent!!! keep us all posted on your progress!
on 10/29/11 4:28 am - Canada
umm ok so I was wrong! I was actually down 6 lbs !!!

and WOW! another 2 today

38 total and still a week to go

Thanks everyone!
HW 270  SW 226 CW 175.8 GW 150
on 10/29/11 4:58 am - Abbotsford, Canada
on 10/29/11 10:23 am - Canada
Great work!!!!  6 is even better than 4!!!!  YOu will have no trouble getting the 7 that you need and another week and you're having you're surgery!!!!
on 10/31/11 9:43 am
awesome!! You are doing great!
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