Having a hard time with getting liquids in post-op

Heather Q.
on 4/14/12 5:12 pm - Vancouver, Canada
VSG on 04/10/12
Hello all,

Well I'm sleeved as of April 10th. I'm doing well as to be expected, little pain, except for the occasional gas issue.

My question..how the heck does anyone get in ALL the fluids that they want us to drink? I was told about 3 glucerna..( I struggled to do 1 in 2 days) ...all my water..are you kidding me? I can only do between 2-3 sips before my tummy feels like it's gurgling like a boiling pot, and don't me started on the broth..4-6 small teaspoons and I feel totally full for quite awhile, then theres the meds, the calcium chews and my multi vitamin.

Is this normal? Did anyone else feel the same? How did you overcome it? I know my tummy must heal and once it does, it will stretch a bit but I'm worried I'm already screwing this up. I was told not to drink too much as I might stretch my poor battered tummy. Help!

Also, is head hunger still an issue? I was hoping this would disappear with the operation. NOT! grrrrrrrrr...My mind says I'm hungry for some real protein but my tummy is like " Oh I don't think so, and if you try...." again..HELP! 
on 4/15/12 7:23 am - Canada
 I wasn't sleeved, I had RNY, but I struggled for a good week or so before I was able to get in the amounts they wanted me to. Just drink what you can, and it will get easier. I found that everything had to be really thin for me to get it down, and constantly drink drink drink. I hated Glucerna afterwards, so I know how long they can take to drink.

Keep it up! I promise it will get easier, and is so worth it. Welcome to the losers' bench :)
on 4/15/12 8:55 am, edited 4/15/12 1:40 pm
VSG on 02/06/12
Hi Heather,

I was sleeved Feb 6. I was only told to have 1/3 of a bottle of glucerna, not drink 3 bottles a day. I would double check that because that is a lot for your first days post op. Ok as for Water...ICE CHIPS, SF Popcilces, SF juices, Broth they count as water(liquids). The main concern early on is dehydration and trying to get some protein in. As for taking vitamins don't worry so much if you miss days, try to gradually work up to taking daily. Unless prior to surgery you were severely deficient you wont fall apart because you skip a few days. Head hungry has gotten better for me, find something to distract yourself. Remember our old habits unfortunately don't magically vanish with surgery, it'll take a bit of time and work.

West Coast Bariatric Surgery Centre Program - VSG, February 6/12, Richmond, BC



on 4/15/12 1:33 pm - Canada
sip sip sip... it will get easier!! you will not be able to get all in at first it will take time, it will happen,, slow and easy. You will get there .. so sip walk rest repeat.. welcome to the loser's bench!
HW 270  SW 226 CW 175.8 GW 150
on 4/18/12 12:55 am - Canada
Welcome to the loser`s bench.

You won`t get all your liquids in but do the best you can.  Your body can feed off the fat deposits, but you need your liquids.  Don`t push yourself to get too much in; you are healing and don`t need to stress your new stomach.

Sip, sip, walk, rest, sip, sip, walk, rest....

Head hunger is normal...think of someone quitting smoking and who keeps missing that cigarette...it`s the same thing..... something missing in the hand or mouth.  Keep busy with other things...chew gum (just don`t swallow it!!), read In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts, Dr. Gabor Mate and just find different patterns that don`t associate food with a specific task..ie.  at coffee break, go for a walk rather than to the coffee shop where you will want to have a muffin with your coffee or tea, etc....

Good luck!
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